Victor’s Experience at Zone01 Kisumu Piscine

Victor Mmulah
3 min readDec 30, 2023


Victor Mmulah
Victor Mmulah

My experience at the Piscine program at Zone01 Kisumu was not only life-changing but also an unforgettable journey that has shaped my perspective on software development and the tech industry. In this blog, I will share my insights and experiences, hoping to inspire others to take the plunge and join this incredible program.

First Zone01 checkpoint meeting at Kisumu
A photo session at the first Zone01 checkpoint at LakeHub Kisumu

The Piscine Program: A Brief Overview

The Piscine program at Zone01 Kisumu is a 4-week intensive training program designed to equip aspiring full-stack developers with the skills and knowledge required to excel in the tech industry. The program is open to individuals over 18 years old who have a passion for software development and a strong motivation to enhance their skills.

The Piscine program is not just about learning to code; it’s about becoming part of a supportive and inclusive community that values diversity and inclusion. Zone01 Kisumu emphasizes providing opportunities to individuals from disadvantaged backgrounds, women, refugees, and ethnic minorities, making it a truly diverse and welcoming environment.

My Journey Through the Piscine Program

Discussing a problem with peers
Discussing a problem with peers

During the Piscine program, I engaged in various group projects, weekly assessments, and weekend team projects. These activities allowed me to test my understanding and consolidate my learning, while also providing me with valuable experience in working with a team and managing deadlines.

One of the projects I worked on involved developing a web application to address a real-world problem. This project not only allowed me to showcase my technical skills but also enabled me to contribute to a cause that resonated with me.

Challenges and Growth

Throughout the Piscine program, I faced numerous challenges that pushed me far beyond my comfort zone. These challenges not only helped me develop my technical skills but also taught me valuable lessons about teamwork, communication, and problem-solving.

One of the most significant challenges I faced was finding the right balance between work and personal life. As a full-time employee, I had to juggle my responsibilities at home with my commitment to the program. This experience taught me the importance of time management and prioritization, which are essential skills in the fast-paced world of software development.

The Impact of the Piscine Program

My experience at Zone01 Kisumu Piscine has had a lasting impact on my personal and professional life. The skills and knowledge I gained during the program have not only enhanced my career prospects but also empowered me to continue learning and growing as a software developer.

The supportive and inclusive environment at Zone01 Kisumu has given me the confidence to pursue my passion for software development and join a community of like-minded individuals who share my enthusiasm for technology and innovation.


If you’re passionate about software development and eager to enhance your skills, consider the Piscine program at Zone01 Kisumu. This program offers a unique opportunity to unlock a world of endless possibilities and embark on a life-changing journey in the tech industry.

In conclusion, my experience at Zone01 Kisumu Piscine has been nothing short of remarkable. The program has not only equipped me with the skills and knowledge required to excel in the tech industry but also provided me with a supportive and inclusive environment to grow and thrive. I am grateful for the opportunity to undergo this life-changing experience and look forward to the endless possibilities that lie ahead.



Victor Mmulah

ICT Officer, a full Stack Software Developer skilled in JavaScript, React and Ruby on Rails. Always learning and experimenting with new technologies.