Parking Management System C#, SQL Server

5 min readOct 9, 2023


Parking sync is a parking management system that we can use in parking lots to manage the parking spaces within the parking lot. This article explains what this system is capable of and how it was created.

First of all, let’s identify why we need this kind of parking management system in the first place. This article briefly describes the system and contains the GitHub URL for both the system and the database.

When we come into the local supermarket or local shopping mall, the most common problem we, the drivers and the workers who work at the parking premises, face is where to find a parking spot to park the vehicle. That’s because most of the time there are a huge number of vehicles parked within the parking premises, and it’s even hard to know if there are any parking spots left in the parking lot to park the vehicle, so what we do is just keep circling the parking lot for hours, hoping we will find a place soon to park the vehicle.

That’s why we need a parking management system for our parking lot, and with that system, we can easily manage the parking lot with a lesser number of workers and save the time and money of both the parking customers and the parking place.

This parking management system is a basic one that contains the basic functionalities that’s needed to manage the parking lot, and those functionalities can be listed as follows:

Users can enter, update, and delete parking space details.

Users can list out the parking spaces in parking lot.

Users can get the count of available and occupied parking spaces with the type.

Users can reserve a parking spot and generate a receipt for the driver.

Users can check out of the parking spot by paying only the exact amount they need to be charged for.

This parking management system was created web MVC and a SQL server as the database.


Image-Login Page


The Parking Management System homepage contains the basic details of the parking lot. This page gives the count of all the total available and occupied parking spaces within the parking lot and gives the available and occupied parking spots with the parking spot type [large, medium, small].

Image-Home Page


We can enter the parking spot details into the system by using this page. The user can enter the parking spot number into the parking spot number input field, select the type of parking spot, and click the submit button to enter the parking spot details into the system. The last parking spot number is loaded into the screen from the database and shown to the user to give an idea about the next parking spot number.

Image-Register parking spot


Users can reserve and release a parking spot by using this page. There are two buttons on the page to do that. When the user clicks the reserve a parking spot button (green button), it opens a popup that contains the types of parking spots that the user can click in order to reserve. When the user clicks the type of parking spot, it reserves a parking spot, redirects the user to the details page, and prints the receipt that is handed over to the driver of the vehicle.

The receipt contains details like the ID of the parking spot, the parking spot occupied time and date, the type of parking spot, and the price per hour for the parking spot type. Those details are shown to the user from the application itself.

The check-out button redirects the user to the check-out page to release the parking spot when the vehicle is freed from the parking spot.

Image-Reserve parking spot


The user can release the occupied parking spot from the system by using this system. When the driver occupies the parking spot, the user handovers a receipt for the user, and there is a parking ID number in the receipt that the user needs to release the parking spot. When the user enters the parking ID number system, it calculates the total amount based on the number of hours the vehicle was parked and based on the type of parking spot, and it shows the total amount to the user, and the user can print the receipt if needed.

Image-Check out


This page contains the full list of parking spaces in the parking lot and gives the details of the parking space, like the type of parking space and the availability of the parking space. We can edit and delete any parking space using the edit and delete icons in the Action column, and the left border of the row is colored green and red to show the availability of the parking space (green = parking space is available, red = parking space is occupied).

Image-Parking spot list

GitHub URL’s

System = mudithaweeerarathna/ParkingReservationSystem: ParkingReservationSystemForParkingLot (

Feel free to fork the repository and update the system.

Database is attached in the folder Database as a bacpac file. import the bacpac file into ssms to use the database in the system.

