What is Larry Page’s net worth?

M Nizam Uddin
7 min readJan 16, 2024


Larry Page
What is Larry Page’s net worth?

Larry Page’s Net Worth: A Closer Look at the Google Co-Founder’s Wealth


Larry Page, the co-founder of Google, is one of the most influential figures in the tech industry. With his innovative ideas and relentless pursuit of success, he has not only revolutionized the way we search the internet but also amassed an impressive fortune along the way. In this blog post, we will take a closer look at Larry Page’s net worth, exploring his journey to success, the sources of his wealth, and how he has managed to accumulate such a significant fortune. From his early days at Stanford University to his current ventures outside of Google, we will provide an up-to-date account of Larry Page’s net worth and shed light on the factors that have contributed to his financial success.

Early Life and Education

Larry Page was born on March 26, 1973, in East Lansing, Michigan. Coming from an academic background, Page’s parents were both computer science professors at Michigan State University. Growing up in a family that valued education and technology, it was no surprise that Page developed an early interest in computers.

Page attended Okemos Montessori School and later graduated from East Lansing High School in 1991. During his high school years, he was known for his fascination with computers and even built a printer out of Lego bricks.

After high school, Page went on to pursue a Bachelor of Science degree in computer engineering at the University of Michigan. However, he soon transferred to Stanford University, where he met Sergey Brin and embarked on a journey that would change the world.

Co-founding Google

Larry Page and Sergey Brin crossed paths at Stanford University in 1995. They shared a common interest in search engines and recognized the limitations of existing platforms. Together, they set out to create a search engine that would revolutionize the way information was accessed on the internet.

In 1998, Page and Brin founded Google Inc., initially operating out of a garage in Menlo Park, California. The search engine quickly gained popularity due to its innovative algorithms and user-friendly interface. As Google grew in popularity, so did its valuation.

Larry Page’s Role at Google

Throughout his tenure at Google, Larry Page held various roles and responsibilities. Initially, he served as the CEO from 1998 to 2001, overseeing the company’s operations and strategic direction. During this time, Page focused on improving Google’s search algorithms and expanding its services.

In 2001, Eric Schmidt joined Google as CEO, allowing Page to shift his focus to product development and innovation. Over the years, he played a crucial role in the development of various Google products, including Google News, Gmail, and Google Maps.

In 2011, Larry Page reclaimed the position of CEO, succeeding Schmidt. Under his leadership, Google experienced significant growth and expansion into new markets. Page prioritized long-term projects and initiatives that aimed to push the boundaries of technology.

Larry Page’s Investments

While Larry Page’s wealth is predominantly derived from his involvement with Google, he has also made several notable investments outside of the company. His investments primarily focus on emerging technologies and moonshot projects that have the potential to reshape industries.

One of Page’s most significant investments is SpaceX, a private aerospace manufacturer and space transportation company founded by Elon Musk. Through his investment in SpaceX, Page aims to support the advancement of space exploration and colonization.

Additionally, Page has invested in Kitty Hawk Corporation, a company that develops electric aircraft for personal transportation. He is also involved in Planetary Resources, a company dedicated to asteroid mining and resource utilization.

Page’s investments in these ventures not only diversify his portfolio but also align with his vision for a future driven by technological advancements.

Philanthropic Endeavors

Larry Page is not only known for his entrepreneurial success but also his philanthropic efforts. He is a signatory of The Giving Pledge, a commitment by some of the world’s wealthiest individuals to donate the majority of their wealth to philanthropic causes during their lifetime.

In 2004, Page established the Carl Victor Page Memorial Foundation in honor of his late father. The foundation supports various charitable initiatives focused on education, scientific research, and environmental conservation.

Page’s philanthropic endeavors demonstrate his commitment to making a positive impact beyond the realm of technology and business.

Larry Page’s Assets and Properties

As one would expect from a billionaire tech entrepreneur, Larry Page has an impressive collection of assets and properties. From luxury real estate to extravagant purchases, his wealth is evident in his lifestyle choices.

One notable property owned by Page is an extravagant mansion in Palo Alto, California. The mansion boasts luxurious amenities such as a swimming pool, tennis court, and expansive gardens.

Page is also known for his affinity for superyachts. He reportedly owns two superyachts — Senses and Dragonfly — both known for their opulence and state-of-the-art features.

In addition to these assets, Page has made significant investments in alternative energy sources and sustainable technologies. These investments reflect his commitment to environmental conservation and reducing reliance on fossil fuels.

Current Ventures and Net Worth Analysis

While Larry Page stepped down as CEO of Alphabet Inc., Google’s parent company, in 2019, he remains actively involved in various ventures that contribute to his net worth.

Alphabet Inc., which houses companies like Google, Waymo (a self-driving car technology company), Verily (a life sciences research organization), and other subsidiaries, continues to be a major driver of Page’s wealth. As one of Alphabet’s largest individual shareholders, Page benefits from the company’s success and profitability.

In recent years, Page has also been focusing on secretive projects under X Development LLC (formerly known as Google X). X Development focuses on moonshot projects aiming to solve world-changing problems through innovative technologies. While these projects are often kept under wraps until they reach commercial viability, they have the potential to significantly impact Page’s net worth if successful.

Analyzing Larry Page’s net worth is a complex task due to fluctuations in stock prices and various undisclosed assets. However, according to Forbes’ real-time billionaire tracker as of [16 January 2024], Larry Page’s net worth is estimated to be approximately [$119.7 B].

Net Worth Comparison to Other Tech Titans

Larry Page’s net worth places him among the wealthiest individuals globally. When compared to other prominent figures in the tech industry, such as Jeff Bezos (founder of Amazon), Elon Musk (CEO of Tesla and SpaceX), and Mark Zuckerberg (co-founder of Facebook), Page’s net worth holds its own.

As of [16 January 2924], Jeff Bezos holds the title of the world’s richest person with an estimated net worth of [$176.9 B]. Elon Musk ranks closely behind Bezos with a net worth of [$132.3 B]. Mark Zuckerberg trails behind with a net worth of [$132.3 B].

While Larry Page may not hold the top spot among tech titans in terms of net worth, his contributions to the tech industry and society as a whole cannot be understated.


Larry Page’s journey from co-founding Google to becoming one of the wealthiest individuals globally is nothing short of remarkable. Through his innovative ideas, strategic vision, and relentless pursuit of success, Page has not only revolutionized the way we access information but also accumulated immense wealth along the way.

From his early days at Stanford University to his current ventures outside of Google, Larry Page has demonstrated an unwavering commitment to pushing boundaries and shaping the future through technology. His investments in emerging industries and philanthropic endeavors further showcase his dedication to making a positive impact beyond business success.

As we conclude this blog post on Larry Page’s net worth, it is essential to recognize that wealth is just one aspect of his legacy. Looking beyond the numbers, Larry Page’s influence on technology and society will continue to be felt for generations to come.

To Know more about Larry Page’s Net Worth.

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