When You’re Average…or Below

Marty Nemko
2 min readAug 21, 2024


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Does this at all seem like you? You had a tough time with academics in school and on jobs. Perhaps it was too difficult, you found the people annoying, or you weren’t consistently diligent.

Well, by definition, half of people are below average, and half of Americans have an IQ below 97. For reference, the average dentist has an IQ of 140, the average business manager, 130. Here’s a more complete list.

Of course, no article can turn a below-average person into a superstar but here are things I’d do if I had an IQ under 97.

Play to my strengths. No one is equally good or bad at everything. I’d ask myself if I have a useful skill and whether I should develop it further. Should I develop a new skill? Am I unusually patient? Kind? Have a good work ethic? Look good? All those can boost the chances of personal and professional success.

I’d rely on my network for leads, jobs, friendship. If I am below average, for example, for the kind of work I’d like to do, my best shot may be an “in.” I’d reach out to everyone who likes me. Even though most or even all of them couldn’t offer me job, one or more might introduce me to someone who could.

I’d try to work and play alongside people I respect. Some of it would probably rub off.

I’d focus on activities not requiring huge brainpower. I’d aim to be wonderful at, for example, being a great spouse, friend, diligent at whatever, and being kind. Come to think of it, that’s not bad advice no matter what your IQ.

I read this aloud on YouTube.

Marty Nemko is a career and personal coach and author of 34 books including How to Do Life. You can reach Marty at mnemko@comcast.net.



Marty Nemko

UC Berkeley Ph.D, specialist in career and education issues.