Hobbes: your personal AI sidekick — Part 2

Visualising the Solution

Mayank Gupta
4 min readMay 13, 2024

In the previous article, linked here, I covered the premise of how central the desire for outcomes is for humans. And how the tech ecosystem is only building tools, not helping us achieve those outcomes. (Do go through that one for better clarity here). I also introduced you to my proposed solution, Hobbes. Let’s revisit the articulation of that..

“Hobbes is your empathetic, personalised and smart sidekick, helping transform all your desires to their most beautiful outcomes while saving you time and stress.”

Building Blocks of Hobbes:

Building on our framework of outcome achievement from the previous article, we try to construct the components that will unlock the true potential for Hobbes:

Blocks fit together to create Hobbes
Each component has a distinct contribution

For a product like Hobbes to be an effective sidekick and make you a superhero, it is important it has a complete package of all these building blocks. And though each of these will be tough to research and build, the outcome will be worth it!

Hobbes in Action:

To help visualise the power of what Hobbes can achieve, it’ll be good to see a sample visualisation of the product:

Current Situation: I’m trying to eat healthier. but the process is quite painful. Figuring out an optimised food chart, ordering the right groceries, figuring out recipes — too many things to manage & optimise.

Life with Hobbes: Can Hobbes make the process better? Yes, and here’s some deep dives to illustrate:

Where to start, Where to end up:

Starting Point for Hobbes: While the ambition is of a truly horizontal platform supporting all actions, the feasibility of that is low. The initial focus will be to create a vertical AI agent focussed on solving a specific use case such as news or nutrition for users. The fun will be selecting such use cases, tinkering and then gradually expanding the scope. And I’ll write updates once there is progress on a specific area!

End Point for Hobbes: One question linked to Hobbes will be — What state will provide maximum value add? With features such as personalisation using central data and coordination with other apps for execution, the right solution seems to be more a central layer such as an OS or a browser..

Uniqueness of the Solution: There will always be many attempts to build products like Hobbes — Siri, ChatGPT or newer ones like Rabbit, Humane Pin etc. Though these exist, does this mean one should not tinker? I believe this is neither an overnight hackathon nor an arms race:

  • It is important that the whole ecosystem progresses. A new wave in tech needs to empower users with relevant choices that all work seamlessly together.
  • It’s not about the uniqueness of the idea, more about style choices that create distinctive products. And for Hobbes, the choices will be to create a friend, and not a tool!

Call for Collaboration:

The mission is underway. The mission to help users truly get to their outcomes. The mission to change the narrow thinking of current tech. The mission to have fun while tinkering in a new paradigm. If you’d also like to build with us, write to me on mayankg1412@gmail.com and we’ll set up some time to chat further.

(I want to thank Sukanya, Persi, Utkarsh, Nishit, Adhiraj, Shrey, Gagan & Bulia for helping me refine drafts of this and Siddharth for pushing me to publish)

