The Other Side of the BitcoinHey, guess what? I just doubled my return on my Bitcoin and Ethereum investment. Guess what else? I’m angry and disappointed with myself.Dec 15, 2017Dec 15, 2017
De-Cluttering MomentumOne box of papers snowballs into a routine of elimination.Nov 13, 2017Nov 13, 2017
Having a bad day? Permission granted.How’s this for a day gone bad? You spilled your morning coffee over the center panel in your car on your way to work. In traffic. With no…Nov 9, 2017Nov 9, 2017
Making the T-word an F-word againI spend a majority of my waking hours dwelling on the T-word. Technology. It’s been a lifelong passion, at least since I was eight. It’s…Nov 2, 2017Nov 2, 2017