Tech Tip 061 — Share Youtube videos at exact start time

Chris Powell
1 min readJul 12, 2017


It’s easy to share a YouTube video with anyone via email or on social media, just copy and paste the link and you’re done. However, if the part you want others to enjoy is well into the video, you can email them where to fast forward the video in your message, or you can create a weblink that will start the YouTube video at the exact moment you wish.

After you’ve located the important part of the video, click Share, then click the check box next to Start at. Notice there will be a t=?m??s added to the URL to copy and paste where you want. Should there be multiple points in the video you want to share, write down the times, paste the link again, but change the minutes and seconds in the URL link to your multiple points.

Originally published at 100 Tech Tips.



Chris Powell

Technologist. Minimalist. ISFJ. From beautiful Bellingham, Washington.