CVE-2023–4696: Account Takeover Due to Improper Handling of JWT Tokens in memos < v0.13.2

M Nadeem Qazi
2 min readSep 1, 2023


Hey there, fellow tech enthusiasts!

Today, I’m excited to share something I stumbled upon during my digital adventures — something that might sound like a movie plot, but it’s oh-so-real. Imagine being able to tweak someone else’s account info, like their email or password, with just a few sneaky moves. Hold onto your seats as I take you on a journey through my recent discovery that involves online safety and data.

I want to shed light on a significant security vulnerability I recently discovered within the usememos/memos system. This vulnerability has the potential to allow any user to modify another user’s data, including their password, with relative ease. By exploiting this flaw, attackers could gain unauthorized access to sensitive information, leading to a host of security and privacy concerns. Let’s dive into the details of this discovery.

At the heart of this vulnerability is the handling of JSON Web Tokens (JWTs), a commonly used mechanism for secure data exchange. In the usememos/memos system, the server fails to adequately verify whether the JWT token has been legitimately issued. This omission means that even a modified JWT, created using tools like, can pass through the system’s defenses.

Proof of Concept


The consequences of this vulnerability are far-reaching and can have a significant impact on the security and privacy of the affected system:

  1. Account Takeover: An attacker armed with a forged JWT token can easily change the password of any user. This essentially grants them full control over the affected user’s account.
  2. Privacy Violations: Unauthorized modifications to a user’s email address can result in serious privacy breaches, exposing sensitive information without the user’s consent.
  3. Data Breaches: Changing a user’s email address can lead to unauthorized access to their sensitive information, potentially culminating in a data breach. Such breaches can have severe legal and financial consequences for both users and the organization.
  4. Reputation Damage: In addition to the aforementioned risks, attackers may exploit this vulnerability to defame users or tarnish the organization’s reputation, potentially causing long-lasting damage.

Additionally, you can follow me on Instagram (@mnqazi), Twitter (@mnqazi), Facebook (@mnqazi), and LinkedIn (M_Nadeem_Qazi) for updates on my research and other security-related topics.

Remember to prioritize your online safety and stay vigilant against potential threats.

#Cybersecurity #Vulnerability #FileExecution #KiwiTCMS #SoftwareSecurity #DataProtection #WebSecurity #SecureDevelopment #NginxConfiguration #FileUploadValidation #HTMLRendering #SystemSecurity #DataBreach #RiskMitigation #PatchingSolutions
#Cybersecurity, #Vulnerability, #SecurityFlaw, #JWTSecurity, #AccountTakeover, #PrivacyBreaches, #DataProtection, #WebSecurity, #BugBounty, #EthicalHacking #mnqazi #CVE_2023_4696



M Nadeem Qazi

Cyber Security(R&D) | Security Researcher | Hacker (CEH v11) | Bug Hunter | Developer | CCIO | CVE-2023-2516 | CVE-2023-2591