What Common Features Do Good Export Forwarders Have?

MNS Freight Services Ltd.
2 min readAug 17, 2018


If you are professional exporter based in UK, and are looking for a good shipping company, there are plenty of factors to consider for finding the right company.

Cargo forwarders are a foundation in the process of export shipping. Also, with over 40,000 logistic & forwarding companies utilizing around 8 to 10 million individuals in 150 nations around the world, finding the best international shipping agents may appear to a newbie exporter to be much similar to searching for a needle in a haystack.

Where do you start?

All things considered, you should begin by inquiring about and researching your choices. You ought to likewise connect with different exporters and realise who they trust with their goods. There are certain characteristics common among great freight forwarders that can help you in picking the correct one for your shipping needs.

Accreditations & experience

Check with forwarders that you are considering to make sure that they are properly licensed. The best cargo forwarders will have the capacity to inform you concerning their organization history, their cargo forwarder system and associations, and their permitting. They ought to likewise have the capacity to share feedback from exporters who trust them.

Services which address your needs

The best cargo forwarders know about your industry and are willing to enable you to send goods outside the country. They ought to be your accomplices truly, taking care of the export business effectively & precisely.

Justifiable and solid expense and valuing structure

The best cargo forwarders won’t just enable you to comprehend their estimating structure, they will likewise strategize with you on the most proficient method to diminish your global shipping costs.

A compliance of tracking record

This is the key part when searching for a cargo forwarder. However, while a partner focused on compliance is good, but when you have to comprehend your own particular role first. Think about this: You are the person, the boss and the manager. Your cargo forwarder is your agent, however they are not you. You know your business best. The reports you give them must be exact. Their role is to organise and deal with the transportation of products — not to fill in as your organisation’s consistence officers. Eventually, consistent is your obligation. Take control by picking your cargo forwarder astutely and keeping up control of and obligation regarding your exports.



MNS Freight Services Ltd.

MNS Freight has skilled and competent people providing excellent freight forwarding services. www.mnsfreight.co.uk