How To Make A “Yes Or No” Decision When You Have No Idea What You Want

Blake R.
2 min readApr 16, 2022

Imagine you are standing at a bus stop but don’t know where you want to go.

You could wait and wait forever, passing every passing bus and trying to figure out where to go.

Or you could just hop on a bus instead.

Any bus!

That’s good because…

· They show the courage to try new things.

· You are in a new place that can help you decide where to go next.

· You might like where you land.

That’s actually the great thing about your situation.

Many people are afraid of making the wrong choice.

Since you don’t know exactly what you want, you can say “yes” or “no” and drop the chips where you want.

This might help you figure out what you want.

Whatever you do, just don’t stagnate and do nothing! It’s easy to become paralyzed with fear and procrastinate and wait for the right moment.

How to choose?

Don’t be alarmed by “failures” or doubt yourself.

Just keep calm, follow your intuition and choose.

Then enjoy the journey.

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Blake R.

Self Made 6 Figure Entreprenur. 5 Passive income streams built since 2020. Bringing you new perspectives about money, entrepreneurship and personal growth