What is Out Of Memory Exception and How can really damage you?

Amin Sharifi
2 min readAug 27, 2024


When your memory is full, what happens in the Linux operating system? Is it just shutdown your system or what?

Consider you have 2GB of RAM when you get an Out of Memory Exception. What happens? How can we prevent chaos in the system? Let’s dive in to see what an Out of Memory Exception is and how we can handle it better in Linux.

What is Out Of Memory Exception (OOME)?

An Out Of Memory Exception (OOME) is an error that occurs when a computer program or application attempts to allocate more memory than is available on the system. This can happen in both Linux/Unix and Windows environments.

Memory leaks are a common issue in software development where programs fail to release memory that is no longer needed. This can lead to programs using more and more memory over time, eventually causing performance issues or even crashes.

OOMEs are typically caused by memory leaks, inefficient memory usage, or simply running applications that require more memory than the system has available. In a Linux/Unix environment, the kernel’s Out Of Memory (OOM) killer may intervene and terminate the process consuming the most memory to free up resources.

An Out-of-Memory Exception (OOME) and Its Impacts


Application Crashes:

Out-of-memory errors (OOMEs) can cause sudden application termination, leading to service downtime.

Data Integrity Issues:

Incomplete transactions due to OOMEs may result in inconsistent data states. During crashes caused by OOMEs, there is potential for loss of unsaved or in-process data.

Error Propagation:

Initial OOMEs (Out of Memory Errors) may lead to subsequent errors, complicating the debugging process.

How to Handle Out Of Memory Exception (OOME) in Docker?

in the next Post I will talk about it.



Amin Sharifi

As a software engineer, I've used PHP/Laravel and Python/FastAPI to build powerful backends and cloud systems. With 4 years of AI experience.