Mo Ansar
3 min readAug 8, 2018


Boris Johnson is a disgrace.

Having compared Muslim women in the burka to bank robbers and letterboxes, complaints have been pouring in to the Conservative Party. Boris needs to first apologise then have the whip removed. O ce this has been done, he can then get on doing exactly what he wants this summer - to lead his own Brexit party made up of UKIP and others who stand opposed to British ideals of tolerance, multiculturalism and freedom.

The problem is Boris has been spoiling for a fight since ever since he needed a pretext to force Theresa May’s hand over Brexit and Chequers. Just like during the London mayoral election and the EU referendum, Boris does it by fomenting hatred against Muslim communities: a cruel and disgusting act of cowardice against the most marginalised of communities. A cheap shot in a dirty game.

Nadine Dorries writes

Some MPs oppose the banning of the burka, but want to banish grid girls from existence. You cannot expect a society that celebrates gay pride and embraces gay marriage to live harmoniously when condoning the suppression of women forced to cover up, segregate and become invisible. (7.17am, 07.08.17, via Twitter)

What Dorries failed to understand, or is willing to accept, is that a woman’s right to choose to cover, is not oppression. Freedom is freedom. We don’t get to 'liberate' women from their right to choose to wear what they like. This is accepted ground in all but the most repressive of places.

Yet another question is why the police haven’t taken any action against Boris for inciting hate? When Parliament passed the Racial and Religious Hatred Act 2006, Boris consistently voted against it. At every stage, including the second reading. After his performance in the Brexit debate and London Mayoral race, he has now put the question beyond any reasonable doubt. He has placed himself squarely in the Bannon-Tommy stable. Boris has officially become an Islamophobic racist. As if his own actions weren’t enough, his new ideological stable mates have made sure of it. For a descendant of Turkish Muslims who was Mayor of one of the most multicultural cities in the world, Boris’ re-emergence as the far right’s new poster boy in Britain is both horrifying and surreal.

Boris' comments should be triggering only one of perhaps two debates:

1. Tory Islamophobia and racism.

2. Why is this happening and where are we going?

There is no other debate. Certainly not one about headscarves.

Don’t forget who Steve Bannon is. He set up Breitbart News, more far right Islamophobic and white supremacist than even Fox News. He took a controlling interest in Cambridge Analytica’s parent company. Whistleblower Christopher Wylie described Cambridge Analytica as “Steve Bannon’s baby… (his) arsenal of weaponry to wage a culture war on America using military strategies.” He was given the role of Chief Strategist in the Trump White House, by passing Senate approval. He wants to establish a new form of Nazism across Europe and the US forcing Muslims and migrants back to country of origin. He is an outspoken advocate of Tommy Robinson and his agenda.

We can only hope Boris is enjoying his new pal G̶o̶e̶b̶b̶e̶l̶s̶ Bannon. Aaron Banks and Steve Bannon, should they get their way, will seek to re-establish the anti-Muslim far right across Europe and the US - as a global power player.

To what end, we fear to think.

The Tory split cometh at the end of the summer. They will take with them UKIP and the anti-Corbyn Brexiteers from the Labour Party. As the leading cause of Boris' new Brexit Party is the Islamisation of Europe and Muslim migration, this is a new axis of evil: Trump, Tommy, Bannon, Banks, Gove and Boris. Allied with the far right new fascists across Europe and the US.

To what end...to what end?


I have a chat on BBC radio with one of Bannon’s Breitbart minions over the issue of the face veil.

At one point he actually tries to make a distinction between Muslims and White Europeans. The idea of a white Muslim covering herself must be mind blowing. How about a woman’s freedom to choose. Weird, right?


