Quantum Computer at IBM. (image by Engadget).

What is Quantum Computer and How it works? Will it going to replace our Personal Computers?!

Mouzzam Tahir
4 min readMay 5, 2019

Firstly, let’s get to know the summary of how traditional PCs work:

Traditional computers work on a binary numbers which exactly concerned with the transistors.

Transistors are simply a gateway or switches that allow electrons to pass and stop.

According to Moore’s law:

“The number of transistors in a dense integrated circuit doubles about every two years.”

Okay now what’s that?

Let’s take an example of today’s conventional Intel Chip which consists billions of transistors in single chip, which is the size of exactly 14nm.

The size of transistor is smaller than HIV Virus. Now imagine, everyday we crave for more speed and more efficient processors to complete more complex tasks in small amount of time. What if they shrink the size of transistor to more atomic level to adjust another number of billion transistor in even smaller chip.

Here lies a problem now. If they try to do that, the transistor won’t ever go to OFF state. Because low energy Electrons will cross the high energy barrier.

Here comes the need of Quantum Computers!

But wait before proceeding to Quantum Computers. What is term Quantum or Why are we calling them Quantum Computers?

Quantum Theory explains the nature and behavior of matter and energy on the atomic and subatomic level

I know I know! Hold On!

Let’s recall conventional computers mechanics. They work on two states On and Off which are called bits in computer terms.

But in Quantum Computers we have QUBITS.

A Qubit is short for quantum bit, which is the fundamental unit of quantum information.

Likewise computer bits, Qubit also has two bits state but it’s different type of states. It concerned to Quantum state.

Think of a electron in magnetic field. The electron has Spins by which the state of Qubit is determined. By Spin we mean it has two states, Spin Down and Spin Up.

But here comes the interesting thing about it, Electron can be at both states at once which is called Quantum Superposition . So now how do we measure the actual state of Qubit now.

(Image copyrights belong to Hackernoon)

We have two bits of information in exactly two bits. But in Quantum Computer we have can have four bits of information by using two Qubits. Increasing the number of Qubits will increase the number of information in bits by the coefficient of 2.

Which means you can never run out of space ever as of now.

Here exist another concept of which is Entanglement. By the analogy of Entanglement we mean, that if two Qubits exists in quantum state at some distance and they are entangled with each other. If we try to determine the state of 1 Qubit, the state of next Qubit will be the same.

There is a great of use of Entanglement in security and encryption.

Will it going to replace Conventional Computer anytime soon?

Sadly, No. There’s a great of use of Quantum Computers in research field but let’s if you want to play games or watch movies or surf web it will eventually perform slower than Personal Computers.

Because as of now Quantum Computer are designed to perform complex task and perform huge number of calculation that conventional computers are unable to do.

