An Overview of Web App versus Mobile App

3 min readOct 13, 2017


Smartphones has taken the lead in its popularity and usage as billions of people across the globe are dependent on it. The people are dependent on mobile apps for business purpose, administration of an organization, social activities, commerce online, and so forth.

However, with the arrival of multiple devices operating on different OS, and multiple platforms, we witness a drastic shift where people are opting for mobile web app rather than mobile app. The main reason being that mobile web app work across the platforms and is cost effective to develop.

Before knowing the priorities, let us see in what way they differ from each other.

Mobile Web App:

  • A web app is an HTML5, JavaScript, CSS app running in a mobile browser.
  • The web app is dependent on the Internet for its working on the devices.
  • It is assessed through the web browser of the mobile device or the desktop.
  • It carries a common code base across the mobile platforms and thus users access the same version.
  • Moreover, there is no need of downloading it from an app store or the developer has to wait for approval.
  • It cannot utilize the resources provided by the system and requires Cloud setup to connect remotely.
  • Nevertheless to say, the mobile web app development cost is lesser as compared the development of the mobile apps.
  • The web apps update is automated without the involvement of the user.
  • The design of web app is harder as compared to mobile apps as the browsers on every device defers in many ways.
  • They are easily prone to hack by the attackers as the code can be easily inspected.

Mobile App:

  • If we consider the mobile app, it can work online or offline.
  • They have to be downloaded from the app store for free of cost or at premium cost.
  • They access the hardware of the device, camera, GPS system, accelerometer, and so forth.
  • Furthermore, they have to be updated as and when there is release of the new version to enhance the accessibility.
  • The mobile app development is expensive as compared to the development of the web apps.
  • The design of a mobile app is definite as it comes with guidelines and is restricted.
  • E-commerce companies prefer their clients to use mobile apps as it is not so easy to hack them as they can do with the web app.
  • The mobile apps developed cannot be replicated to suit the other environment.
  • The native apps are developed using Objective C, Swift for Apple; Java for Android; C, C#, C++, Java, and etc., for cross platform apps.

Though web and the mobile apps are scalable technology, they have potential benefits for the business in its own way. And, it seems that the competition between them would never end. One should consider the above points and business benefits before contracting App development company, India or go for web apps. If there are no budget constraints, both can be adopted for developing business online.




MobiIndia is leading mobile application development company in India. We provide high-quality services such as android app development.