Why do we Invest in our Atlanta Startup Community?

Shawn Johnson
3 min readSep 20, 2018


Why does Mobile App Hero, a software development firm, spend time and money on our local Metro-Atlanta community? Before you start rolling your eyes, let’s first state the obvious: Businesses don’t really “care” about anything except making more money. Every charitable gift or act of kindness is designed to produce some kind of benefit, financial or otherwise.

Now consider this caveat: The above statement is only true according to the most basic definition of a business, as an entity that exists solely to produce a profit for its owners. The problem with that line of thinking is that it doesn’t take into account the most important factor in this equation, the human factor.

Businesses are led by people. In small companies especially, the personality and motivations of the people leading the company are often on full display. In our case here at Mobile App Hero, that leader is CEO Shawn Johnson.

With 20 years of corporate software development experience, Shawn is a mobile architect with extensive local ties here in Atlanta. In addition to winning multiple hackathons, he has been teaching mobile app development for 5 years, locally here in Atlanta, helping hundreds of students realize their potential and goals.

Successful students from Shawn’s courses have gone on to earn 6-figure incomes at large media firms, and many have started their own development projects. Some have even been hired here at Mobile App Hero! We believe strongly in building and supporting a thriving tech ecosystem within the Metro-Atlanta area. Our goal is to help companies access the power of mobile technology, while also empowering members of our own community to help shape this coming future.

With this in mind, Shawn also participates in numerous free presentations, coding bootcamps, and seminars designed to help people launch their own startup ideas. These events range from technical workshops/bootcamps to teach participants how to code their first app, to panel discussions on how to avoid the pitfalls of the startup process. Our goal as a software firm is to help foster a strong technology ecosystem here in Atlanta.

Sometimes, you need a hero!

Mobile App Hero is a software development company headquartered in Atlanta at WeWork Tower Place, which helps us to support our growing base of local clients. Atlanta is our home, and we want to continue to contribute to the success of this ecosystem.

Our team has extensive experience in providing digital solutions for various companies across multiple industries. However, our main focus is on mobile app development for companies ranging from startups all the way up to our Fortune 500 clients, some of which are headquartered right here in Atlanta. Check out our verified client reviews to find out more about our projects & the impact we’ve had on our clients!

We regularly host and attend numerous events throughout the city and surrounding areas. Our next major appearance will be at Connect.Tech 2018, taking place at the Cobb Galleria on Oct. 17–19. Shawn Johnson will be presenting “Before You Build Your Mobile App”, where he will be providing a practical guide for how you can design, build, and launch your very own mobile app project.

Mobile App Hero provides development services and solutions to help both businesses and individual entrepreneurs achieve their goals. Whether you’re trying to launch a new media platform, or you’re just streamlining your existing business processes, our Atlanta-based team is here to solve problems for you. Get in touch! Give us a call at 1–877–55-APPHERO and let’s get started on your heroic journey!

