Discover Symfony UX. Turbo lets you put SPAs in the Rearview Mirror.

Reuben Walker
5 min readSep 6, 2022
Hard right turn meme

This article originally appeared on Symfony Station.


Let’s explore the SPA-like speed that Turbo brings to Symfony UX.

This is a companion article to Discover Symfony UX’s Twig Components and Discover Symfony UX. UI with Stimulus. Read those first, as they contain more detailed Symfony UX information referenced here.

In a Symfony project’s UI, components are handled by a group of tools called Symfony UX. This article will explore its implementation of Hotwire’s Turbo via a Symfony UX component.

Screenshot of Symfony UX

Symfony UX

If you have read our Twig Components article, you may scroll down to the Let’s turbocharge your app heading.

If not, Symfony describes Symfony UX as “JavaScript tools you can’t live without. They’re a set of PHP and JavaScript packages to solve every day frontend problems featuring Stimulus and Turbo.

Symfony UX is an initiative and set of libraries to seamlessly integrate JavaScript tools into your application.



Reuben Walker

Ringmaster of Mobile Atom Code and founder of Symfony Station, your source for Symfony and PHP news.