Comparing React Native and Flutter by the numbers

4 min readOct 24, 2018


1. Google Trends 📈

🏆 Winner: React Native

2. Github Repositories 📂

🏆 Stars & Forks Winner: React Native

🏆 Commits & Contributors winner: React Native

React Native

🏆 Open & closed issues Winner: React Native

React Native (684 open) / Flutter (4,062 open)

🏆 Contributors with more than 100 commits Winner: React Native

React Native (34 contributors) / Flutter (24 contributors)

🏆 Last month merged pull requests and closed issues Winner : Flutter

React Native

3. Stackoverflow answers 📚

🏆 Winner: Flutter

27% have no answers (total: 40,291 questions)
22% have no answers (total: 6,618 questions)

4. Official Twitter account follower counts 🐦

🏆 Winner: React Native

React Native

4. Quora topic followers❓

🏆 Winner: React Native

5. r[eddit]/ community 👽

🏆 Winner: React Native

6. Hacker News stories 🐥

🏆 Winner: React Native

7. product hunt upvotes 😸

🏆 Winner: React Native

8. Spectrum community members 🌈

🏆 Winner: React Native

9. Linkedin groups count and members 🤝

🏆 Winner: React Native

10. posts 👩‍💻

🏆 Winner: React Native

Summing Up

In fact, there is no real winner here as both of the two communities are quite B.I.G. Flutter was just released in May 2017, more than 2 years after React Native (March 2015). Flutter and React Native are two good answers to develop cross platform apps.

Let us know in the comments if you are interested about a more in depth comparison (documentation / performance / build size etc)

Don’t miss any important Flutter or React Native related news :

