Ionic developer top news of 2018

Carefully curated news for Ionic developers

31 min readDec 20, 2018

Ionic Framework’s 4.0 Release Candidate is here

By The ionic team

Building the Progressive Web App OS

By Max Lynch

At Ionic, we’re incredibly bullish on the future of the web on mobile: Progressive Web Apps (PWAs). In this future, web developers are building quality…

Ionic 2 First Look Series: Your First Ionic 2 App Explained

In the first post in this series we looked at some of the new Angular 2 syntax and concepts, and now we are going to look at how that new syntax applies…

Crafting a Weather App with Ionic Framework and

In this article we’re going to build a simple weather forecast app with Ionic framework, an open-source front-end development kit for building cross-platform…

Hybrid Platform Setup: Cordova + Vue + WebPack

By @Alistair MacDonald

These steps outline the process of setting up a development platform on which you can build Hybrid Mobile apps. A “Hybrid Mobile App” is Website running…

Customizing Ionic Apps for Web & Mobile

This is a guest post from Simon Grimm, speaker and educator at Ionic Academy. Simon writes about Ionic frequently on his blog Devdactic. With the development…

Ask HN: How are you building cross-platform (mobile and browser) apps?


I’ve been developing web apps for 5+ years and in my next project I’ve been tasked with building a mobile (iOS and Android) app that we can also run as…

What to Expect When Ionic 4 Is Released

By @JoshMorony

The Ionic team has been busy working behind the scenes to finish the release of Ionic 4.x, which we should hopefully see an alpha release of before too…

A Vue from Ionic

By @Mike Hartington

Last week, we gave the first official preview of Vue support for Ionic Framework at VueConf Toronto. Our very own Josh Thomas (@jthoms1) shared some insight…

A Better Way to Exercise Cordova Plugins

By @John M. Wargo

Cordova developers have several ways to test and debug their Cordova applications. For functional testing, developers use emulators, simulators, and physical…

How To Authenticate with Firebase and Ionic 3 — Email/Password and Google Sign-In

By @Stavros Kounis

PhoneGap 8.0.0 Now on PhoneGap Build, iOS upgraded to XCode 9.2

By @Ryan Willoughby

PhoneGap 8.0.0 is now available on PhoneGap Build. This version updates only the Android platform — although it is a major version bump for Cordova Android…

A Re-Introduction to Ionic (Ionic 4+, PWAs, Stencil, Capacitor and Electron)

If you have been following with the Ionic framework then you’ll have probably noticed the buzz around some new technologies/tools and concepts mainly PWAs…

Let the Framework do its job

By @Max Lynch

Which Is Better For My Startup: Ionic or React Native?

By @Max Bessarabov

Your Guide to Cross-Platform Mobile App Development Tools

Building a company around TypeScript

By @Max Lynch

Over the last few years, TypeScript has emerged as a powerhouse in the frontend world, helping teams build and maintain large, complex frontend software…

Displaying a PhoneGap App Correctly on the iPhone X

By @Matt Netkow

Ionic + AWS Lambda + AWS API Gateway

By @Apurav Chauhan

Lets discuss a case study and build a cool product from scratch…

Why and When Cordova is better then React Native ?

By @Alexandr Zavalii

Today I open-source my startup by releasing my Ionic v4 app — David Dal Busco — Medium

Announcing Ionic Identity Vault: Secure Biometric Authentication for Your Mobile App

By @Matt Kremer

Ionic Studio — 1click native run as an iOS/Android app


Xamarin vs React Native vs Ionic: Cross-platform Mobile Frameworks Comparison

By @AltexSoft Inc

Simple i18n support for your Angular apps

By @Denys Vuika

Easy ways to create a translation mechanism for your Angular and Ionic applications that does not rely on third-party libraries.

How to wrap an Angular app with Apache Cordova

By @Elia Palme

Recently, I have been investigating how I could wrap an Angular application…

Push notifications between Ionic 2/3 apps using FCM

By @Priyesh Patel

How to dynamically theme your Ionic application and make your users happy

By @Ryan Gordon

“Write once, use everywhere” is an anti-pattern

By @Jeff Whelpley

Publish a Cordova Generated Android App to the Google Play Store

By @Erik C. Rutledge

Release your app for the world to find and use

Ionic Framework Is Fast (But Your Code Might Not Be) | joshmorony

Cordova Android 7.1.4 Released!

By @Chris Brody

We are happy to announce that Cordova Android 7.1.4 has been released! This resolves a bug that was introduced in the recent 7.1.3 release. Thanks to our…

Discontinuing the PhoneGap Push Service

By @Jesse

About two years ago we rolled out the PhoneGap Push Service to make developers lives…

Cordova Windows 6.0.1 Released!

By @Chris Brody

We are happy to announce that Cordova Windows 6.0.1 has been released! This release fixes various bugs releated to the previous cordova-windows@6.0.0 release…

Cordova-CLI Release

By @Chris Brody

We are happy to announce that Cordova CLI 8.1.0 was released in September 2018. Release Highlights The purpose of this release is to resolve npm audit…

The Future of the iOS WebView in Adobe PhoneGap

By @Shazron Abdullah

With the announcement of the iOS 12 beta SDK at Apple’s WWDC 2018, came the news that UIWebView, the webview originally bundled with the first iOS SDK…

Breaking changes coming to the iOS WebView in Apache Cordova

By @Shazron Abdullah

With the announcement of the iOS 12 beta SDK at Apple’s WWDC 2018, came the news that UIWebView, the webview originally bundled with the first iOS SDK…

Ionic 4… Should you Build a Hybrid App?

By @Jeff Delaney

TL;DR Yes, as long as you have the right use case.

Cordova iOS 4.5.5 Released!

By @Chris Brody

We are happy to announce that Cordova iOS 4.5.5 has been released! This release fixes various bugs releated to the previous cordova-ios@4.5.4 release….

Why I still prefer Ionic to React Native

By @Gregor Srdic

There is a lot of discourse on which is the best JavaScript framework, where React, Angular and Vue.js are the main competitors. In the field of hybrid…

React Native vs Ionic vs NativeScript vs Android/ iOS Native Apps

Ionic vs React Native vs NativeScript 2018 Comparison

By @Cubet Techno Labs

This is the era of cross-platform technologies. Native apps often tempt us considering its best utilisation of device capabilities like camera, GPS and…

Upgrading to Ionic 4

By @Christopher Woolum

When StencilJS was announced, I was super excited that it was going to be at the core of the next version of Ionic. I couldn’t wait to jump in and began…

How to integrate OneSignal push notifications into an Ionic 3 application

By @Stavros Kounis

Build a complete mobile app with Ionic 3

By @Dayana Jabif

This tutorial takes you through the steps of creating an…

Ionic Adventure: How To Know Everything About It

By @João Cortez

Ionic3 hiding header and footer on content scroll

By @Gregor Srdic

Many mobile apps, such as Twitter, Facebook or LinkedIn, have a large scrolling areas and to make the most of the small screens on mobile devices, they…

Ionic 4.0.0 Overview

Sharing (Ngrx-based) logic between Angular5 web app and Ionic3 mobile app

By @Benoit Hediard

This is a follow up article to Hybrid mobile apps: sharing logic between Angular2 and Ionic2 apps. In 2016, it was our first attempt to share Ngrx-based…

Debugging an Ionic Android App Using Chrome Dev Tools

By @Fikayo Adepoju

5 reasons why your hybrid mobile app will fail

By @Petar Vukašinović

When you google “Hybrid app development” you will find such a wonderful value…

Make offline-capable Ionic apps with cached observables

Sharing application components between multiple Ionic 3 apps: a pragmatic approach

Make offline-capable Ionic apps with cached observables

By @Sune Westphalen

Developing An App Using Ionic 1 and AngularJS (Part 1)

By @Nihinlola Fajemilehin

Hi Guys!

Hybrid Mobile Apps — PhoneGap

By @Sathish Arumugam

Phone Gap is a open source framework for building cross platforms mobile applications with Html, Css and Java Script. Its essentially a wrapper which can…

Are Ionic Apps Native Apps?

Essential Apache Cordova Development Tools

How does Ionic App Development help Your Business? [INFOGRAPHIC]

By @Mitesh Patel

Here is an open secret: Whether a startup or an established enterprise, every business needs a multi-platform mobile application for simplifying processes…

Why Ionic?

By @Bhatt Ami

So, Today all the questions about ionic framework like what is it ? , why it is created for ? , what is it’s advantage ? , who is it’s parents? All will…

Ionic 4 — The Flapper leaves the Nest

By @Christoph Stein

Ionic 4 — The Changes you should know about

Best apps built with Ionic Framework and downloaded more than 10M times 🏆

By @Mobile Hackers 👩‍💻 + 👨‍💻 + 🔧 = 📱

It’s time to switch from ionic framework

By @Krrish Krishna

Ionic applications were a cost-effective and perfect alternative to native mobile application development. Ionic application basically runs JavaScript…

A Re-Introduction to Ionic (Ionic 4+, PWAs, Stencil, Capacitor and Electron)

By @Ahmed Bouchefra

If you have been following with the Ionic framework then you’ll have probably noticed the buzz around some new technologies/tools and concepts mainly PWAs…

Ionic + Cordova Camera + Android 8

By @John J Czaplewski

TL;DR: If you are using the above combination, immediately install cordova-plugin-camera from the master branch or > v4.0.1

15 Must-Have Resources for Ionic App Developers

By @Appsee

Ionic 3 Login Authentication With Google Firebase (it’s so damn easy!)

Building Better Ionic Apps with Ionic Pro, Part 2

By @Ahsan Ayaz

In Part 1 of this series, we created a rapid…

Ionic 3: How to replace Ionicons with custom icon set

By @James Parkes

Ionic cross-platform app development framework gains ground for enterprise-friendly features, customization options, and excellent functionality. Read on to know why your business needs an app developed in Ionic framework.

Native QR Scanner Implementation in Ionic 2.

By @Piash Sarker

First of all, We will create a complete IONIC application from the start…

Building Better Ionic Apps with Ionic Pro, Part 4

By @Ahsan Ayaz

In our previous post, we set up Ionic Monitor to…

Making Ionic/Cordova App compatible for IPhone X

By @Akash Pal

Our first ‘big’ MVP built with Ionic

By @Jorge Vergara

Is Ionic one of the preferred tools on your tech stack? How are you using it?

This weekend, I took a few hours to upgrade “Crypto Coin Check” from Ionic 3 with Angular 5 to the newest Ionic 4 with Angular 6. The performance gains are impressive and it runs significantly smoother!

Ionic 4 Tutorial for Beginners: Custom Elements, Buttons, Navs and Tabs

Version 4.0.0 of ngX-Rocket Now Available

By @sinedied

We are thrilled to announce version 4.0.0 of our Angular project generator. This is a…

Fast, Inline HTML5 Video In Ionic (3+)

By @Andrew Cole

One of my favorite pages in the 38Plank app is what I call the “Workout Completion” page. When a user wants to complete a workout they navigate here to…

Check out SwipeOne: A news reader for nerds :-). Built with Ionic 4.

Ionic creator announced plans for React Native compatibility.

Using Ionic without any framework — David Dal Busco — Medium

How to create an Ionic automated build script to automatically build and sign APK ready for publishing

Developing An App using Ionic 1 and AngularJS (Part 2)

By @Nihinlola Fajemilehin

Hi guys!

Super Six Benefits of PhoneGap for Cross-platform App Development

By @Mitesh Patel

A mobile app that runs smoothly on various OS and different devices is a ‘must-have’ for any enterprise in today’s highly competitive business scenario…

Converting Ionic 3 Push/Pop Navigation to Angular Routing in Ionic 4

Ionic 3: Infinite Scroll

By @Thiago S. Adriano

Infinite scroll é uma das formas que temos de criar paginação em nossos sistemas. Veja nesse artigo como implementar ele em um projeto mobile criado com…

The journey from React Native to Ionic

By @Sudhir Kumar Ojha

I have been working as a Hybrid app developer for almost a year…

Ionic 4 and the Lifecycle Hooks

By @Paul Stelzer

All about the Ionic Lifecycle of components with background…

Ionic 4 Tutorial for Beginners: Custom Elements, Buttons, Navs and Tabs

By @Ahmed Bouchefra

Ionic 3, Angular 4.3+ and RxJS Observables: Building an HTTP Service to Communicate with A REST API

By @Ahmed Bouchefra

Complete guide for using Highcharts and Highstock charts in Angular/Ionic 2, 3

By @Nikhil Bindal

Ionic 4 + AppSync: Build a mobile app with a GraphQL backend

React Native vs Ionic vs NativeScript: A Practical Guide

By @Jscrambler

Steps to deploy an ionic 3 App on Android PlayStore

By @Neeraj Soni

Note: Only for macOS users

Biometric Authentication (Face & Fingerprint) on iOS and Android using Ionic 3/Angular

By @Nihinlola Fajemilehin

Independent Notification service using Ionic, Node & FCM

By @Shubham Rath

Building hybrid conversational mobile apps using AWS Lex

By @Walking Tree Technologies

React Native vs Ionic: Which is better for your next project?

By @Promatics Technologies

Building Better Ionic Apps with Ionic Pro, Part 3

By @Ahsan Ayaz

In our previous post, we demonstrated how to easily…

How to find out if Ionic is the right choice for your project

By @Simon Grimm

[IONIC 4] Styling a Shadow DOM in Ionic

Creating an Angular / Ionic rating component

By @Michael Nyamande

Social sharing has become an essential part of any app or website‘s community…

How to call a telephone number in Ionic 3 using Ionic Native

Building Better Ionic Apps with Ionic Pro, Part 1

By @Ahsan Ayaz

With the technology shift in the modern era of…

Let the Framework do its job

By @The ionic team

Over the last year or so, modern frontend frameworks have largely converged on a set of standard, recommended…

React Native vs. Cordova, PhoneGap, Ionic Etc.


Offline OCR with TesseractJS and Ionic — Medium

How to setup a Cordova App using Vue.js

By @Valerio Capogna

In the last period I decided to study Vue.js because I feel the necessity to have a first approach with single page applications. The best way to learn…

Ionic 3: Criando uma Modal e recebendo os seus dados em uma página

By @Thiago S. Adriano

Dando continuidade a minha série de artigos sobre Ionic 3, hoje irei demonstrar como criar uma modal e receber os seus dados de retorno.

Ionic State Management with Inclusive Innovation Incubator

By @Clearly Innovative

An explanation of how Stencil fits into the Ionic ecosystem (and why you can don’t need to know anything about Stencil if you don’t want to)

How to develop new Cordova plugins for Ionic without loosing your mind

A practical introduction to styling a Shadow DOM and Slots

By @David Dal Busco

Ionic tips you might need in your native applications.

By @Abdul Hafeez Abdul Raheem

Learn Ionic — Best Ionic Tutorials |

Building An Audio Player App with Ionic, Angular, RxJS, and NgRx

Fastlane + iOS + Ionic 2/3 = 🚀[Tutorial]

By @Simranjit Kamboj is a mobile developers best friend when it comes up automation! You don’t have to worry about updating screenshots, build number, or submitting…

Wordpress and Ionic Integration using Wordpress REST API

By @Dayana Jabif

Ionic 3: Passando valores entre as páginas

By @Thiago S. Adriano

Dando continuidade ao meu artigo anterior: Criando um projeto do zero com rotas, hoje irei demonstrar como passar dois valores através de parâmetros para…

Handling Android Back Button in Ionic

By @Ari Saif

Summary: This is a comprehensive method for handling Android back button in Ionic 2 and Ionic 3. The back button will behave like in Instagram: it will…

Ionic (and other hybrid apps) code protection

By @Jose I Santa Cruz G

Code protection is a common (supposed to be) drawback when speaking about hybrid…

Ionic 3 — Phone Auth with Accountkit

Ionic icon search, on point as usual.

Ionic: How to create PDF file with PdfMake(step-by-step)

By @Rakesh Sahu

Ionic or Xamarin

I understand that posting this question in this sub Reddit might get me bias answers but here I go. I want to make a note app for my wife (she refuse…

Creating an Avengers app with the Ionic API, React and Redux

Routing in Ionic 4 for tabs based apps

By @Sandy Mann

In earlier versions of Ionic, it had its own custom routing. In version 4 Ionic recommends…

Getting started with Ionic Framework — Development Glossary

By @Dayana Jabif

Introduction to Progressive Web Apps in Ionic

By @Abdul Hafeez Abdul Raheem

We have reached an age where web apps don’t necessarily function as a web app…

Installation and Setup of Android & IOS using Ionic3 Cordova

By @Ramesh Prajapati

​Ionic apps are created and developed primarily through the Ionic command line utility (the “CLI”), and use Cordova to build/deploy as a native app. This…

Ionic — What’s tappable?

By @Chris Hand

Often in some code examples you’ll find that an element has the tappable attribute on it. What’s this thing for?


By @Ola Sola

Let’s start from the beginning. Ionic is a framework for developing highly interactive native…

Need some advice for my first “Formal” app

Hello, as the title says I need some advice with an app I’ll create for my brother’s barber shop. Basically is a ‘take a turn’ app where the ‘barber’…

Developer wants to Throw Out my Ionic Code. Bullshit, right?

I built the bulk of my front end with the Ionic Creator, and hit the limits of my js ability for the finishing touches. At the recommendation of a reliable…

Ionic 3 vs React Native (App Development Checklist, Part 1)

By @Benny Ng

Building Web Components with Stencil

By @Ahsan Ayaz

Over the past few years, web development standards have evolved so much that many of us have…

Production Error Handling in Ionic

By @Michael Marner

How to deal with errors in production and keep your users on side

[x-post from r/stenciljs] Creating a Side Menu Component With Stencil using Events, Listen, and

Ionic PWA Live Stream — YouTube [Updated Link]

Bug Tracking with Instabug and Ionic 2+ (Android)

By @Tom O’Brien

When I was contemplating releasing our Moka app to the Play Store for the first time, I began to sweat.

Ionic 4 + Firebase: list of Courses and Books

App Reload in Ionic 3

By @Valentin Klinghammer

Easily manage your app’s lifecycle with a service

How to read HEIC gallery photos as JPEG (Cordova)

By @Ronny Roeller

Convert images read from iOS gallery to JPEG to…

Capacitor — How To Get Five Apps In One time

By @Jeroenouw

Use Ionic framework ‘Capacitor’ to Write Apps in Angular 7…

React Native Vs Ionic: Which one is better?

By @henry

day discuss about! the feature and advantages of the Ionic framework vs React Native…

Ionic for Dummies by Dummies (Part 2) — Lets get coding!

By @Sameeha Rahman

Ionic for Dummies by Dummies (Part 1) — The Basics!

By @Sameeha Rahman

Angular 6 and Ionic 4 Chrome Extensions

By @Ivan Systerov

Unlimited Geofences and Location Monitoring for Ionic Apps

By @Simranjit Kamboj

So, you guys probably know that natively, Android limits geofences to 100 locations while iOS limits it to a mere 20. This can be a struggle when you want…

Ionic and Rollbar, the Perfect Pair

By @Chris Hand

Tell you what. There’s almost nothing more depressing than looking at your production error logging seeing this:

Firebase support for Ionic/Cordova

By @Cristian Olaru

Firebase is not just a real-time database as it was at the beginning. After being acquired by Google it becomes the facto serverless solution for mobile…

Analytics in Ionic 3: Easily Track Page Views with a Custom Decorator

By @Manuel Heidrich

Building a Simple Logger Service for Ionic 3

By @Manuel Heidrich

An Ionic developer’s best friend often are console statements to do some quick…

Don’t miss any important Ionic development related news :

