What is the price of Tecno Spark 20 in Pakistan [2024]?

Mobile Prices in Pakistan
2 min readJan 12, 2024

Stay up-to-date with the advanced features, specifications, and Tecno Spark 20 price in Pakistan. Learn about its reliable performance and impressive camera capabilities with this article!

Tecno Mobile has a strong presence in Pakistan and is known for delivering affordable and stylish mobile phones in the Pakistani market. They are committed to providing reliable smartphones with extraordinary specifications within an accessible price range. Due to this, they have gained significant popularity among the Pakistanis.

Tecno has released several top mobile phones in Pakistan, but the one that stands out due to its impressive features and that is within budget is the Tecno Spark 20. It has a sleek design, outstanding features, and a user-friendly interface. It was released on December 20, 2023, in Pakistan.

Tecno Spark 20 Specifications and Features

The Tecno Spark 20 has met and exceeded the expectations of people in Pakistan with its advanced capabilities. It allows smooth multitasking with its strong processor and captures impressive pictures due to its advanced camera technology.

Moreover, it has one of the latest Android versions that offers improved security, features, performance, and access to new apps and software. Here is the table showcasing the specifications and features of this brilliant smartphone.

The Tecno Spark 20 price in Pakistan is Rs. 36,999. It has won thousands of hearts due to its affordability. It delivers exceptional performance even when multitasking. It is one of the best choices for budget-conscious mobile consumers in Pakistan.


Tecno has always delivered with its new releases and has done it again with the Tecno Spark 20 in Pakistan. Tech enthusiasts are impressed with their commitment to excellence and providing affordable mobile phones in Pakistan. If you are in the market for a budget-friendly smartphone that doesn’t compromise on essential features, the Tecno Spark 20 is certainly worth considering.



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