Luxury Disabled Holiday Cottages

Mobility Equipment Hire Direct
2 min readMar 27, 2017


Luxury Disabled Holiday Cottages in UK are suitable for disabled travelers from all over the world and let them enjoy luxury accessible holiday. Ranging from the scenic and sprawling Scottish Highlands to the quaint and countryside of Northumberland there are many luxury cottages spread in different places in the UK.

These accessible cottages provide a range of accessibility features including wheel in shower and grab rails; some even have their own ceiling hoists and private gardens. These luxury cottages also do provide self catering facility.

There are many places in Scotland where there are luxurious cottages like there are cottages in Aberdeen shire, Perth shire, The Highlands, Scottish Borders and in many more places

Luxury Disabled Holiday Cottages in England are present in South west of England in Cornwall, Devon, Dorset, and Somerset and in south east of England in Sussex, Essex, and Suffolk and in Kent.

Wide range of Luxury Cottages in Wales is present in North Wales, Mid Wales, and South Wales and in West Wales. In Northern Ireland you can find luxury cottages in Down.

These luxury cottages are secluded and set in glorious locations and are purposely designed for the people with disabilities and for their families/carers and offers great facilities to enjoy a fantastic and luxurious holiday.

