Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs in Quarantine Days

Mobin Mithun
3 min readMay 17, 2020


Ah, life!! Today is the 53rd day of Quarantine. Being isolated made me more conscious to figure out my weakness and threats in my personal SWOT. However, I traced a lot of phenomena in human beings during this period. As a part of my own country’s people, I know it’s impossible to overcome this situation anyway. Really, more people are dying here for starving of food than affected by the virus. Do you know why it is going on?

​Human beings are motivated by a series of fundamental needs, with each need building upon the foundation of its predecessor. It is a theory in psychology that is introduced by Abraham Maslow. This is also called ‘Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs’. The hierarchy suggests that people are motivated to fulfill basic needs before moving on to other, more advanced needs. Maslow argued that people must satisfy lower-level needs before they will be motivated to satisfy the needs on the next higher level of the hierarchy.

Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs

Physiological Needs: These are the basic needs of the body. Such as you need to breathe, eat, drink, or sleep. Once these are no longer, we get motivated by the next.

Safety Needs: Safety or security needs, relate to a person’s need to feel safe and secure in their life and surroundings. So, we try to earn money, build up resources, and look for shelter that protects us against dangers. Once we feel safe, we look up for the next one.

Love and Belonging Needs: This level outlines the need for friendship, intimacy, family, and love. Humans have the need to give and receive love to feel like they belong in a group or society. When deprived of these needs, people may experience loneliness or depression.

Esteem Needs: In this level, we strive for appreciation and respect. Participation in professional activities, academic accomplishments, athletic or team participation, and personal hobbies can all play a role in fulfilling the esteem needs.

Self-actualization Needs: This is the reaching of one’s full potential as a human being. Self-actualization people are self-aware, concerned with personal growth, less concerned with the opinions of others, and interested in fulfilling their potential.

Listen up, y’all, it’s a reality check time. Some folks out there, they’re grinding hard to stack them MOOC certificates, hustling to level up their skills. Others, they’re deep in them PS4 games, or Netflix binge-watchin’, and hey, ain’t nothin’ wrong with that.

But let’s remember, there’s a whole lot of folks just tryna make it through the day, scraping for a meal, countin’ their blessings just to see another sunrise. We can’t be judgin’ folks for not keepin’ that three-foot distance, ’cause some ain’t got the privilege to do so.

Thank the Almighty for keepin’ us safe and sound, but let’s also remember to lend a hand to them in need. It’s about empathy, y’all. Life ain’t always fair, but it’s our duty to look out for one another. That’s how we keep our hearts as full as our dreams.

