Interaction Design Methods 2022

Reading Journal by Mo Bünzli

1 min readFeb 19, 2022

Reading Guidelines

What are the new terms in this text?
How are they defined?
Where do they come from?

Who are the authors?
Where do they work?
Who do they refer to?

What questions come to your mind from reading this text?

How does it affect your design practice?
What applications do you see in your practice?

Also: consider when the paper was written and its historical context.

A note on the blog: The individual entries will contain summaries of the texts discussed that week (as a resource for myself), personal commentary, my own thoughts and conclusions, as well as notes from the actual classes.

All blog entries

Week 1, 21.02.22 — Deconstructing Interaction Design

Week 2, 28.02.22 — Perspectives and biases of Design

Week 3, 07.03.22 — For who and what do we design? Do we design for anyone?

Week 4, 14.03.22 — Human-Computer Interaction and methods

Week 5, 21.03.22 — Innovation for all

Week 6, 28.03.22 — The experience and the user-experience

Week 7, 04.04.22 — The question of the prototype

Week 8, 11.04.22 — Use of storytelling for evaluation

Week 9, 02.05.22 — Re: Evaluation

Week 10, 09.05.22 — Data and visual abstractions

Week 11, 23.05.22 — Design Fiction, Speculative Design, Artistic research (My presentation)

Week 12, 30.05.22 — Teach


