earth day ode #1

Mocha Gypsy Writing
1 min readApr 22, 2020


Thank you to photographer Jeremy Bishop and Unsplash for the photo

Sprung up in an untrekked world

of flourishing green and thriving

and perfect balance

before time was ever time.

It has no eyes to see

but its outstretched arms

have felt the winds of transformation

and its deep-set roots

drink in nature’s degradation.

And though it had no choice

but to endure ring after ring

as green faded

to the concrete grey of progress

and balance slid

from inherent to orchestrated

and thriving gave way

to mindless surviving,

it still stands.

A lone tree

amidst a backdrop

of steel and innovation

inhales our poison gases

and breathes into us

the very source of our living.

Even starved of the ever-giving affections

of an untouched ecosystem,

even amidst war and slander,

without request or hesitation.


And though it has no voice

the rustling of the leaves

sigh and sing a cool, hushing old ode

to nature’s unconditional love and giving.



Mocha Gypsy Writing

Sweet. Caffeinated. Wanderer. Wonderer. Libation enthusiast. Divine rebel. Entrepreneur — Copywriter | Brand Message Development