[Problem Solving] Describe a large project you’ve managed.

4 min readAug 20, 2024


Problem-solving is a critical skill in virtually every job, and often you have to answer questions showcasing your “Project Management Mindset”.

You can be asked to describe a large project you’ve managed, how you set milestones and managed risks plus stakeholders, and further to describe a challenge you faced along the way and how you resolved it.

We will offer a structured framework for crafting a compelling response.

What Signals Are Interviewers Looking for?

  • Project Management Skills: The interviewer wants to see your approach to planning and executing significant projects. You should mention how you managed risk and stakeholders, and set project milestones or phases.
  • Communication: How did you effectively lead and communicate with your team(s) and other stakeholders?
  • Adaptability: How do you handle challenges that arise during a project? Did you adapt your strategies to ensure successful outcomes? Did you think about alternative solutions that unblock your project in different phases?

Crafting Your Perfect Response

Use the STAR (Situation, Task, Action, Result) method, and supplement your answer with specific details about how you managed risks, stakeholders, and alternative solutions.

1. Situation: Describe the project in terms of scope, goals (e.g. what business or customer problem did it solve?), and significance to the organization.

2. Task: Explain your role in the project. What were your responsibilities? How were you expected to manage the project and its stakeholders?

3. Action: Detail the steps you took from the start to the completion of the project. Highlight how you set milestones, organized your team, engaged with stakeholders, and managed risks. Discuss specific strategies you used to manage resources and timelines. When describing a challenge, focus on a significant hurdle and how you addressed it. Include methods for maintaining project quality and stakeholder satisfaction throughout the process.

4. Result: Conclude with objective outcomes of the project. If applicable, quantify the success and any recognition you received from your management or clients.

5. Reflection: it’s always a bonus for you to reflect on what you learned from managing the project and how it has refined your project management skills.

Example Answer

Let’s use “Ran a project that upgraded clients to a new version of an API” as an example.

“In my role as the Lead Software Developer at TechSolutions Inc., I spearheaded a critical project to upgrade all our clients to a new version of our API, which was designed to enhance security features and improve overall performance. This was a complex endeavor that impacted over 100 client applications, making the project highly significant due to its scale and the diversity of the applications involved.

We started with a detailed project plan, segmenting the upgrade into distinct phases: initial client communication, development adjustments, phased rollouts, and final assessments. I adopted Agile methodologies to allow for flexibility, enabling us to address issues as they arose and adapt our strategies accordingly. During the planning phase, we conducted a thorough risk assessment that identified potential compatibility issues as a primary risk. To mitigate this, we planned for early-stage testing and included contingency buffers in our timeline for problem-solving without affecting the overall project deadline.

Effective stakeholder management was crucial. I scheduled regular updates and review meetings with both internal teams and external client representatives. These sessions helped in setting realistic expectations and provided a platform for transparent communication. By keeping all stakeholders informed and engaged, we were able to maintain trust and ensure collaborative problem resolution.

When compatibility issues were detected during the rollout, it posed a significant challenge. I led the creation of a rapid response team, drawing from our best developers, to tackle this head-on. This team worked diligently to develop patches and create workarounds. Simultaneously, I explored alternative solutions, including adjusting the API’s framework to accommodate older client systems without compromising new security features. This dual approach — patching immediate issues and considering long-term adjustments — ensured that we addressed both urgent and potential future complications.

Thanks to these proactive measures, the project was completed three weeks ahead of schedule and under budget. Client feedback post-upgrade highlighted improved performance and enhanced security, validating our efforts and approach.

This experience underscored the importance of comprehensive risk management and the need for having robust alternative strategies ready. Reflecting on the project, I learned that balancing agility with thorough planning is essential in managing large-scale software upgrades. Proactive risk management and maintaining open lines of communication can significantly mitigate potential setbacks.”

The Bottom Line

By providing a detailed and structured response, you showcase your strategic planning, leadership, and problem-solving skills, proving that you are well-prepared to take on challenging projects in any professional setting.

Remember, the key to acing your next job interview lies in practicing telling the right story that sells yourself — MockInterview is here to help you through the interview story-constructing journey.

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