Lunar Proportions: Comparing the Size of the Moon to Earth

1 min readJun 21, 2023

The Moon, Earth’s only natural satellite, has captivated humanity for centuries. While we often observe the Moon in the night sky, its actual size and scale in comparison to Earth can be a fascinating topic to explore. In this blog, we will delve into how big is the moon compared to the earth.

Size and Diameter:

The Moon is significantly smaller than Earth in terms of size and diameter. With a diameter of approximately 3,474 kilometres (2,159 miles), the Moon is about 1/4th the size of Earth. This means that you could fit about four Moons across the Earth’s equator. While it may seem small in comparison, the Moon still holds substantial significance in shaping our planet’s tides, seasons, and even our perception of celestial objects in the night sky.

Mass and Gravity:

In addition to its smaller size, the Moon also has significantly less mass and gravity than Earth. The Moon’s mass is about 1/6th that of Earth, making it relatively lightweight in comparison. Due to its lower gravity, objects on the Moon weigh about 1/6th of what they do on Earth. This difference in gravitational force has significant implications for exploration and the physical experiences of astronauts who have visited the Moon.




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