#3 — How to get your life back?

5 min readAug 2, 2021


PROMISE to not give up when things are tough. Rest will figure itself!

Some days would be light and breezy, some not so much. But struggles are NO REASON to GIVE UP, right? Believe in yourself to put in the work (hard and smort!) and TRUST that it only gets easier! Bad days won’t seem like bad days once you accept the impermanence of it. All you need to say is ‘bring it on’ to every day, whether it’s good or bad, happy or sad, tough or easy — Build that positivity!

“You just can’t beat the person who won’t give up.” — Babe Ruth

Here are some things to get you started:

For Self

  • Acceptance and awareness — Know that it starts with YOU. Breathe, Exercise, Meditate. Start taking care of yourself
  • Find a confidant — a TUTU — tutu can be anything that you can talk to, to internalize and understand your feelings — a person, a pet, a mirror, a diary, a toy — anything! Talk about what matters to you. What makes you happy — what makes you sad — what makes you angry — what makes you annoyed. Talk about what you want in life, from life, and then ask why? When you start answering the why, the path for how (to get it) becomes clearer!
  • Believe in yourself — What you want matters. Period! Have COURAGE — know that you are enough. You don’t have to hide what you want just cuz you have been told so. The power of your thoughts is unlimited. What you ask, you get! Find what gives you joy and chase it as you mean it. Believe that whatever path you embark will take you to your destination
  • Trust — Help will always come when you need it — maybe not in the way you desire but the way it’s intended. Don’t try to control how the help should come. Just ask and leave it to the universe. It’s got your back!
  • Embrace every moment — Welcome the yin and yang. All your experiences, your struggles will teach you something and bring you closer to your purpose. So, have faith and enjoy the journey
  • Don’t give up — trust yourself — trust that today you gave your best, your best may not be the best TODAY but commit to your intention to be better tomorrow. Hey, Rome was not built overnight!

For self and others

  • Be selfish — You want as much help as you can get on your path to recovery. So be selfish and help other people. Be kind. You get what you give — it’s true!
  • Nurture positivity — Start spending time on every little positive thought and action. If your partner made bread toast for you, say thank you and think of people who had to make their toast! Sigh! Every action counts — however big or small
  • Be true to yourself and others — Accept what you want in your life as is and say (maybe kindly) what you feel/mean. Accept that we all want different things for different reasons. Don’t live other people’s life — live your own. Dig deep babay
  • Don’t compare — Everyone is fighting their own battle and no two lives are comparable. I am not saying don’t get inspired but don’t live someone else’s life. People look at a picture on social media and think that they want that person’s life. Maybe that person comes from a life of struggle and unintentionally you have asked for it. And when you get that, you ask why! Cuz you are not good enough? No. It’s cuz you asked for it!
  • Build community — When was the last time you talked to someone about your feelings? People around you have a lot to offer if you just let them. I am not saying go talk to that auntie who has been asking you to get married cuz it’s time. Talk to people who understand, who listen, who make you feel comfortable.
  • Be thankful — Channelize your energy towards thinking about the goods and positives, things you are thankful for in your life — family, food, shelter, friends, internet? It can be as small as that perfectly boiled egg. Why not, some people (me..shh) can’t even boil an egg properly. :P

Most importantly, LIVE IN THE PRESENT — Just pause for a moment and think about the last thing you did — the activity — did you know you were going to do that — did you think about it when you got up in the morning. There are some things we can plan like today I will go to the grocery store or today I will send out that email but between those tasks, when life is happening, stop living the ‘illusion of control’. Focus on the present moment. Psst… Are you enjoying your read? :D

Albert Einstein said, “There are two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.”

If you think it’s difficult, it probably is! But if you trust yourself, you will soon realize that you need a slap on your bum for not doing this earlier. I am not saying you will be right 100% of the time, but the people and things that need to stick will stick no matter what. As you begin this journey, you will experience many things — you will learn, grow, evolve, change, adapt but most importantly, you will be self-supported, now and forever. Accept it, appreciate it!

If you are looking for that first step — pick any one thing from above and start doing it daily. Or start a joy journal — Think about the things you are grateful for — things that made you happy. Small things, big things and write it down every day for 30 days. Or maybe you want to go full power right this moment and start trusting yourself — your capabilities, your intentions, your worth and see it percolating internally and externally. Whatever it is, just take that first step and witness the MAGIC!

There IS heaven on earth :)

I know it’s a long journey but it’s the one that we’ll take together. And if you get stuck, sing Help! like The Beatles!

If you have already embarked on this journey, do share it with anyone you think might benefit from this.

If you like what I have to say so far, please follow to get updates. Going forward, I will be sharing lessons from my journey of healing, that might help. Keep the love coming! ❤

Tweet @ModBudd




For those who are overcoming traumas without a support system, know that you are not alone & someone’s got your back! Hope my healing journey can help yours (: