3 min readOct 2, 2021



We all like to have magnificent eyelashes that are giving us a seductive look. And to achieve that effect, to meet that goal many women decide to use artificial eyelashes.
Something that is not very healthy or very safe.
So, we are going to tell you why you should avoid artificial eyelashes and how to get the effect of artificial eyelashes on the natural way.

Why Avoid Artificial Lashes?

In the first place of potential catastrophe when putting artificial eyelashes is certainly an adhesive that, apart from real mess, can cause serious allergic reactions. Also, daily lining of artificial lashes can lead to infection due to bacterial collapse at the edges of the lids. Of course, occasional professional makeup and placement of artificial lashes will not hurt you, but every day we recommend tricks with a mascara that will make your lashes have volume just as artificial.

Trick 1 – Choose an appropriate mascara
Before you grab the first mascara that comes under your hand in the drugstore, think about what lashes you want. If the effect of artificial lashes is just what you want to achieve, we recommend the YSL Mask The Curler with the effect of artificial lashes. This mascara is designed for those who want their eyelashes look perfect every day, and what sets them apart is the twist effect – you will not need a lash eyeliner! Just imagine, morning beauty routine without eyelash wrenches, with the perfect effect of artificial lashes. YSL Mascara The Curler has two sides – on the one hand a rounded brush gives eyelashes volume and on the other, the rose brushes lift up and perfectly lashes eyelashes. Of course, we can not claim that this mascara is the best mascara for volume, but we advise you to try it out!

Trick 2 – Do not skip the mascara primer
One of the reasons Hollywood starlet eyelashes look perfect is the eyelashes primer. Perhaps you are unusual that every part of the face has a distinct primer lately, but beauty experts say the base is the most important and we trust them! So, it’s important to prepare mascara lashes if you want them to look like artificial. If you decide to try the YSL mascot, The Curler, with it blend the YSL primer for the mascara effect of artificial lashes. This eyelash primer smooths, wraps and prolongs eyelashes, which leads to increased volume. Also, the primer stays with the lashes with the binding effect, which enhances the durability of the maskers.

Trick 3 – Make a eyeliner on your side
Eyeliner often causes more harm than good, especially if you are not very skilled in applying. A wrinkle or wrinkled line that is unevenly applied to the lids, will draw attention from the eyelashes and remove them from the first plan. So apply the eyeliner in a thin layer, just at the root of the eyelid. If your hands tremble when applying the shower, do not despair, a little exercise works miracles, and if you don’t succeed you can also use a pencil.

