Discount Calculators — Discount Price Calculator — Discount Calculator Online

3 min readApr 30, 2023


Discount calculators are a helpful tool that allow individuals and businesses to quickly and easily calculate the discounted price of a product or service. With the rise of online shopping and the prevalence of discounts and promotions, having a discount calculator at your fingertips can save you time and money. In this article, we will explore the different types of discount calculators available, their features, and how to use them.

Discount calculators come in different forms, including online calculators, mobile apps, and physical calculators. Online calculators are the most accessible and popular type of discount calculator, as they can be accessed from any device with an internet connection. Many online retailers offer their own discount calculators to help shoppers calculate the discounted price of their products. Additionally, there are third-party discount calculators that can be used on any website or platform.

Discount Calculators — Discount Price Calculator — Discount Calculator Online

One of the most popular online discount calculators is the Discount Calculator by This calculator allows users to input the original price of an item, the discount percentage, and any additional tax or shipping costs to calculate the final discounted price. The calculator also provides a breakdown of the savings and the final cost, making it easy to compare prices and discounts.

Another popular online discount calculator is the Discount Calculator by Jimbi Calculator. This calculator has a more user-friendly interface, allowing users to input the discounted price and the discount percentage to calculate the original price. The calculator also provides an option to add tax to the final price, making it useful for businesses and individuals alike.

For those who prefer to have a discount calculator on their phone, there are several mobile apps available for both iOS and Android devices. One of the top-rated discount calculator apps is the Discount Calculator Plus by DiscountMania. This app allows users to input the original price, the discount percentage, and any tax or shipping costs to calculate the final discounted price. The app also includes a history feature that allows users to save previous calculations for future reference.

Physical discount calculators are less common but still available for those who prefer a more traditional approach. One example is the Casio HR-8TMPlus — Handheld Printing Calculator, which allows users to input the original price, the discount percentage, and any tax or shipping costs to calculate the final discounted price. The calculator also includes a printing feature, making it useful for businesses and individuals who need to keep records of their calculations.

Regardless of the type of discount calculator you choose, using one can be a valuable tool for saving money and making informed purchasing decisions. In addition to calculating the discounted price, discount calculators can also help you compare prices between different retailers and determine the best deal.

When using a discount calculator, it’s important to ensure that you are using the correct formula and inputting accurate information. The formula for calculating a discount is:

Discount = Original Price x Discount Percentage

Final Price = Original Price — Discount

For example, if an item originally costs $50 and has a 20% discount, the calculation would be:

Discount = $50 x 20% = $10

Final Price = $50 — $10 = $40

It’s also important to consider any additional costs, such as tax or shipping, when calculating the final discounted price.

In conclusion, discount calculators are a useful tool for anyone looking to save money and make informed purchasing decisions. With a variety of options available, including online calculators, mobile apps, and physical calculators, it’s easy to find a discount calculator that suits your needs. When using a discount calculator, be sure to input accurate information and consider any additional costs to ensure that you are getting the best deal possible.




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