Love and Quantum Entanglement: A New Perspective on Universal Connection

Lee M.
8 min readAug 28, 2023


An A.I generated image of two quantum particles orbiting each other, creating a special force.

What is love? Ah, the age-old question that has perplexed philosophers, poets, psychologists, and even ’90s Eurodance singer Haddaway. While his catchy refrain of “What is love? Baby, don’t hurt me” may have ruled the dance floors, it hardly scratches the surface of the scientific exploration we’re about to undertake. The debate about love as a social construct or a fundamental human need, as posited by Abraham Maslow, continues to spark conversations and leave many of us in a realm between skepticism and hopeful romanticism.

When I met my wife, a molecular biologist with a keen, analytical eye, the experience was like a convergence of parallel universes. My approach, grounded in intuitive understanding, found a compelling counterpoint in her data-driven view of the world. As we plunged into lively conversations over cellular biology or pondered the implications of synchronicities, we discovered something remarkable: our seemingly divergent perspectives began to meld into a more unified understanding. We realized that love could be better grasped when combining both inner wisdom and empirical science.

The purpose of this blog post is to venture beyond the clichés and pop culture references, aiming to unravel the tangible science behind an intangible emotion like love. By fusing empirical research with intuitive understanding and inner wisdom, my hope is that we can offer a more holistic lens through which to view this enigmatic emotion — an understanding that goes beyond traditional debates and explores new frontiers of human experience.

My Personal Quantum Leap

My parents set the bar pretty high for love. Together since they were 13, they made “love” look easy. To me, that was the epitome of love, and unconsciously, I began to hold their relationship as the gold standard. I tried to hit that same high note for years, guided by this ideal impression of love and a little intuition.

But guess what? Aiming for a love story like my parents had its drawbacks. I had this checklist in my mind — a set of expectations based on what love looked like at home. It turns out love i smuch more complex than a checklist! I was chasing an ideal, fueled by the comfort and safety I felt from my parents love. To break free from that cycle, I had to roll up my sleeves and do some inner work.

My quantum leap into self-work.

After some challenging life events (a relationship!), I leapt headlong into depth work therapy, intensive retreats and even participated in some intense Ayahuasca ceremonies (talk about intense). The more I discovered about myself, the less I clung to my old views on love. The process of letting go was liberating and transformative. Ironically, it was only after I dropped the baggage that I met my wife, a molecular biologist — practical, data-driven, and super smart. I bring a more intuitive approach to life’s big questions. You’d think we’d clash, but instead, we found this amazing middle ground. My intuitive approach vibed with her scientific reasoning, and it felt like we’d unlocked a new way to understand love.

The Date That Started It All

Picture this: fresh off a period of intense self-discovery, I find myself sitting across from my future wife, a molecular biologist, at a cozy café. The date seemed to be teetering on the edge of disaster, thanks to my penchant for discussing matters that most reserve for a late-night philosophy class — or at least after a few dates. You know you’ve veered off the typical first-date script when you find yourself diving headlong into theories about the nature of love. In a fit of unabashed enthusiasm, I launched into a soliloquy that would make a Hallmark card writer blush.

“So, what do you think about love?” she asked. Channeling my inner philosopher, I responded: “Imagine two particles. Each has its own vibrational frequency, and sometimes they meet other particles that resonate in a complementary way. They don’t become one; instead, they dance around each other, creating a vortex of energy — the force we call love. External forces can distance these particles, but they remain connected, always able to support and elevate each other’s existence. When they’re in sync, the universe rewards them with synchronicities.”

The “Aha!” Moment

I won’t lie; my first date ‘sermon’ on love was a bit over the top. My poetic waxing could’ve been an episode right out of “When Spirituality Goes Cheesy.” As I went on about particles and vibrations, my wife cut through the philosophical fog with a simple question asked with deadpan eyes: “So, you’re talking about science?”

“So you’re talking about science?”

Let’s pause for a moment to appreciate the irony. Here I was, fresh off a transformative journey filled with depth work therapy, ayahuasca ceremonies, and lots of soul-searching. I had just laid bare my most esoteric views on love, hoping for a love-struck nod or an impressed sigh. Instead, she took my abstract, intuitive understanding and tied it neatly to a scientific principle known as quantum entanglement.

My wife eloquently explained that quantum entanglement is a phenomenon where particles become so deeply connected that their properties are intertwined, no matter the distance separating them. Change the state of one particle, and the other reacts instantaneously. Ring a bell? My whole spiel about particles vibrating and dancing around each other in a “vortex of love” was less ‘mystical revelation’ and more ‘Physics 101,’ according to my wife.

My humbling moment.

This was a humbling moment for me, but also an eye-opening one. I had no idea I’d stumbled into scientific territory; this was all intuitive for me. My wife’s explanation didn’t debunk my thoughts; it validated them. It also gave us a shared language for discussing a subject that is often divisive and misunderstood. I realized that the language of science can bridge gaps and bring a balanced, inclusive understanding that transcends the limitations of purely spiritual or purely empirical perspectives.

The Science of Love: Digging Deeper into Quantum Entanglement

Let’s delve a bit further into the quantum realm to appreciate the parallels with love. The concept of quantum entanglement is fascinatingly complex yet remarkably intuitive when you break it down. In essence, when two particles are entangled, a change in the state of one particle is immediately reflected in its partner, regardless of the distance between them. Einstein famously dubbed this “spooky action at a distance,” and I can’t help but think of it as an eloquent metaphor for the bonds that form in a loving relationship.

Imagine you and your partner are these entangled particles. You could be continents apart, both navigating the ups and downs of your individual “Hero’s Journeys,” yet the connection remains. It’s as if there’s an invisible thread that links your hearts, a thread that isn’t bound by the laws of time and space. This might sound like something out of a fantasy novel, but it’s grounded in scientific principle.

Let’s bring another famous quantum experiment into the mix to add another layer of complexity: the double-slit experiment. In this experiment, particles like electrons or photons are fired through two closely spaced slits and detected on the other side. Now, here’s where it gets weird. If you’re not observing which slit the particle goes through, it behaves as if it has gone through both slits at the same time, creating an interference pattern on the other side. But the moment you observe it, the particle picks a lane, so to speak, and goes through just one slit.

This animation depicts the double slit experiment, a cornerstone in quantum mechanics. It reveals how particles like electrons or photons can behave both as particles and waves, depending on whether they are observed. The pattern on the screen reflects the mysterious duality of matter and raises profound questions about the nature of reality itself.

How does this relate to love? Think of the double-slit experiment as a reminder that attention and observation matter. When you focus on your partner , — truly focus, not just superficially observe — you bring out certain aspects of them, influencing their behavior, mood, or even life choices. Conversely, when they focus on you, the same thing happens. Just like in the quantum world, observation influences reality.

Now, if I take my initial, albeit poetic, ramblings about particles dancing around each other and creating a vortex of love, and I apply the concrete understanding that quantum mechanics offers, a beautiful picture emerges. Love, much like quantum entanglement, is an invisible force that binds us, affects us regardless of distance, and is affected by our mutual attention and intention.

Quantum entanglement also introduces the idea of harmony through vibration, which is also often referenced in many ancient beliefs. Just like in the Taoist understanding, where balancing opposing forces leads to harmony, the particles — or people, in our case — align their vibrations to find equilibrium. This harmony then becomes a force of its own, what I’m terming as “love,” serving as a guiding principle and magnetic pull that keeps them revolving around each other.


I’m incredibly thankful for the balanced perspective my wife and I have cultivated together. I admire how she appreciates the poetic beauty in scientific phenomena, much like I find profound intuitive truths reflected in science. Her scientific insights meld seamlessly with my intuitive understanding, enriching our discussions on complex topics like love. This synergy isn’t just a happy coincidence; it’s a sign that different worldviews can co-exist and evolve, guiding us both toward a more nuanced and objective understanding of life.

Two Quantum Particles Dancing in Sync Like Two People: Demonstrating a Bond Similar to Quantum Entanglement, Where Actions Affect Each Other Regardless of Distance.

But, how does this newfound scientific knowledge apply to your life and relationships? Well, when you understand that love can act like entangled particles, you see why maintaining individual journeys within a relationship is so crucial. You don’t merge into one; you dance around each other in your own unique orbits. And just like entangled particles, your individual actions have ripple effects, strengthening or weakening the collective force between you.

Whether you’re knee-deep in a committed relationship or still swiping right in hopes of finding “the one,” grasping the concept of quantum entanglement can enrich your understanding of love. It can help you navigate the complexities of human connection with a sense of wonder and scientific curiosity, rather than unrealistic expectations or uninformed skepticism.

The Original Double Slit Experiment by Thomas Young. Skip to the 4:30 mark to see the experiment in action.

