Irreconciliable Difference: Why tech and public markets can’t and won’t get along

modest proposal
4 min readJun 5, 2015


According to a recent WSJ story “In 2014, tech companies accounted for 20% of the firms that activists targeted, more than any other nonfinancial industry.” The whole article is worth a read for a good summary of where things stand today.

So why can’t tech and public markets get along? I think there are good reasons for it and no good solutions.

Start with the basic life cycle of a firm. Michael Mauboussin depicted it in the graphic below. One feature of technology is that lifecycles move quickly, the pace of change in tech is greater than in the consumer packaged goods business for example. As a result, the duration of above average returns for any given product or service tend to be far shorter than in other industries. In order to earn acceptable returns, this also means that during the period of excess returns, the returns on capital must vastly exceed the cost of capital.

With this as a basic framework, we can get to the heart of the problem. Today there exist a large number of publicly traded tech companies that are in the later stages of their main product lifecycles (think mostly dominant on prior platforms, PCs and the web). These companies generate large cash flows, but lack the ability to redeploy that capital, so have accumulated large balances of cash. They can do 3 things: hoard the money, invest it in R&D or M&A, or give it back to shareholders. Hoarding the money has no benefit for either the company or shareholders, but is done mostly to avoid taxes. Company management would like to invest the capital in R&D or M&A in order to develop and/or buy new products and services that can once again jump start the company into increasing returns phase of life. Investors on the other hand want the companies to give the capital back.

Developing and innovating new products and services that are able to earn excess returns is hard. There is a reason the required discount rate of early stage tech investors is very high, because the likelihood of success is very low. Public market investors think about ROI on a project by project basis, and so when they see a tech company spending on all sorts of “science projects” they say, this is not a good use of our capital. Company managements, if they think about ROI at all, tend to think about it on an aggregate basis. If even one investment in a new area hits, management believes they will earn attractive overall returns. What to a public investor looks like a bunch of individually irrational low probability longshots, looks to management like a portfolio of smart bets, and even more important these look like existential bets. Management knows that if they don’t find the next new thing, their business will decline.

These two views are irreconcilable, and why tech is such an attractive target to activists. To an activist, the solution is clear, stop the wasteful spending, deploy the massive existing cash balances and ongoing cash flows into dividends and buybacks, and maybe even take on leverage. Company management’s see this as shortsighted and all but guaranteeing that the firm will be pushed to extinction.

A number of factors further exacerbate this trend today. In prior periods companies went public earlier in their lifecycle, which means public investors enjoyed the period of excess returns and reinvestment opportunities, a period during which management would have had leeway to invest in other projects. Today fewer tech companies go public and the remaining public companies are much later in their lifecycles, thus the pool of companies in the growth stage of their lifecycle is much smaller and the pool of companies in the mature “irreconcilable differences phase” is much higher. This means that there are many companies with large accumulated cash balances, with cash flow generating existing businesses that are clearly mature to declining, that must either invest to grow or give the money back and slowly (or quickly) wither.

Because public investors are not in the venture capital business, and because most corporate managements are not in the managed death businesses, this fight will go on.

One interesting point is that the biggest beneficiaries of this trend are private investors in tech. While Marc Andreessen argues that what public investors are doing is bad for tech and bad for the economy, the irony is it’s great for him! If public investors give free reign to tech companies to deploy their capital in moonshots, VCs relatively small capital base would be overwhelmed. Apple, Microsoft and Google alone generate $100B in free cash flow per year, the entire VC industry invests something like $50B. By restricting public companies from deploying capital, public investors provide the white spaces for VCs to invest alongside entrepreneurs. I also don’t believe that on net the economy suffers, and likely it actually does better when the investing is done by smaller, entrepreneurial firms. Most studies of innovation would say capital deployed by smaller nimbler organizations leads to better outcomes than in large enterprises.

So in conclusion, I see very little reason to believe that tech and public equity investors will get over their differences and start seeing eye to eye. As a result, expect more activists, more proxy fights and more tech companies looking to have dual class share structures.



modest proposal

I shall now therefore humbly propose my own thoughts, which I hope will not be liable to the least objection.