[Day 15] Zero to MVP in 30 Days — A small checkin

1 min readDec 3, 2017


Hello! If you’re new to this series, I laid down some ground rules in day zero, and explain the idea for my first project on day one. I document, a little every day, what I’m working on.

We’re half way through 30 days already!

The next few days will be bite sized updates, just to check in and hold myself accountable. The day-to-day won’t change much until get somewhere around the 30 mark of calls scheduled with people in my target market. Then I’ll be able to relax the cold emailing and focus elsewhere.

Today I combed over the next 200 companies on the SaaS 1000 list and pulled out the likely prospects and have drafts ready to send on Monday.

I also dove back into consuming some resources on NgRx (an Angular flavor of Redux) to help satisfy the developer itch.

For anyone looking to get started, some great resources:

Tomorrow’s todo list

  • You know the drill! Plow ahead on more prospecting until we’ve got enough call lined up or exhausted our resources.

See you all tomorrow!

←Back to day 14: Can’t stop, won’t stop, prospecting

