Heinu Leima—Goddess of fruitful abundance and fruits in ancient Meitei mythology (old Manipuri mythology) and Sanamahism religion (Sanamahism)

In ancient Meitei mythology (old Manipuri mythology) and Sanamahism religion, goddess Heinu Leima is the female divinity of the fruitful abundance and the fruits. She’s also associated with orchards, trees, garden, and vegetation.

The terms, “hei” means fruit, “nu” means lady, and “leima” means goddess in ancient Meitei language (old Manipuri language).

She’s the personification of prosperity, the fruit orchards, vegetation and the trees.

She’s mentioned in “Phouoibi Waron”, as a goddess who help goddess Phouoibi, her sister (or friend) in finding Phouoibi’s true lover.

In the 18th century AD, her pantheon was diminished with the arrival of Hinduism in the then Kangleipak kingdom (Manipur kingdom).

She’s equivalent to goddess Pomona of ancient Roman mythology, and goddess Carpo (Karpo) of ancient Greek mythology.

