Lairik Leima — Goddess of wisdom and learning in ancient Meitei mythology (old Manipuri mythology) and Sanamahism religion

Goutamkumar Oinam
2 min readAug 15, 2020

Goddess Lairik Leima, the female personification of wisdom, learning, knowledge, books, education, arts, skills and intelligence, is known with different names, including Maheigi Lairembi, Humpu Leima, Nareng Lei Subi, Iyek Leima, Eyek Leima, Singchakhompi or Singjakhombi.

She’s always portrayed as a mother goddess, holding the sacred PuYas (ancient manuscripts) in her left hand.

She is always associated with pheasant birds, which become her divine symbolic representation.

She is believed to be a divine form of Goddess Leimarel Sidabi, the supreme mother earth goddess.

In the pre-Hindu era in Manipur (ancient Kangleipak), she’s worshipped as one of the primordial deities, in her pantheon. A festival is celebrated in the 5th of Phairen (Phairel) month of Meitei calendar (Manipuri calendar), annually, as “Maheigi Lairembi Khurumba” in honour of the goddess.

However, after the arrival of Hinduism, her pantheon is replaced by Goddess Saraswati, who’s her equivalent deity in Hinduism.

Analysing a little further in a global view, the nine muses of Greek mythology are the equivalent deities, having equal attributes with Goddess Lairik Leima, because in the beginning of every poetic sojourn by the great poets since ancient times, these goddesses are always provoked as compulsory religious practices.

