Manav Modi
2 min readMar 2, 2019



Scouting is fun with a purpose, directing, helping boys and girls become happy, healthy ,useful citizens. scouting complements the school , education, family, filling needs not met by either. Scouting develops self-knowledge and the need to explore, to discover, world beyond the classroom, tapping the skills of others to learn and to become well- rounded people.

The Importance of Scouts

Fun with a purpose

Through recreation, Scouting helps to achieves its purpose of developing young people physically, intellectually, socially, and spiritually. Scouting in terms means building confidence and self-esteem within, learning important life skills and leadership skills, team building, outdoor adventure, education, and much fun.

A worldwide movement

Scout associations and branches are more than in 216 countries and territories. Scouting has never stopped growing since it is founded in 1907. Today there are more than 25 million Scouts. Since 90 years ,, Over 300 million people have been members when Scouting was founded.

Open to all

Scouting is open to all without difference of origin, race, class, or creed, providing that the person voluntarily adheres to Scouting’s Principles.

A code of living

Scouting’s Principles describe a simple code of living to which all Scouts make a personal commitment throughout the Scout Promise and Law. Scouting helps Scouts learn how to carry out their commitment in everyday life. This approach to life has three dimensions:

  • A Spiritual Dimension — A commitment to seek the spiritual value of life on daily basis
  • A Social Dimension — Participating in the development of society, and respecting the dignity of others adding to the integrity of the natural world.
  • A Personal Dimension — Developing a sense of personal responsibility.

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