Linux Command Line 101 : Essential Commands for Software Engineers

Summarizing the Most Used Commands and Tools for Daily Tasks in Backend Development, DevOps, and Beyond 👨‍💻

Moein Moeinnia
13 min readJun 28, 2023

We all know that Linux and Unix based operating systems have a wide range of commands that can be difficult to remember and fully understand. Even I often forget some commands (especially when it comes to searching for files😅). I find myself repeatedly searching the web to remember the right command. So, I decided to write this article to help anyone who, like me, struggles with remembering these commands. This article aims to provide a simple guide that you can refer to whenever you need help with these commands.

I have structured this article in a way that begins by categorizing commands based on their domains. Following this categorization, we will explore a selection of highly practical use cases for each command .At the end, I have provided some cool tricks and shortcuts that can help you work more efficiently in the CLI environment. Lets Dive In 😉!

Table Of Content:

File and Directory Operations:

Manipulate files and directories, such as listing, creating, removing, copying, and moving them.

  • ls : List files and directories
Ls -lash 
  • cd : Change directory.
cd [directory_name]
  • mkdir : Create a new directory.
mkdir [directory_name]

//Make directory wit
mkdir -m 755 new_directory
  • touch : Create an empty file.
touch [file_name]
  • rm : Remove files and directories.
#Simple remove
rm [directory/file_names]

#Recursive and Forced remove
rm -rf [directory_name / path to directory]
  • cp : Copy files and directories.
#Simple copy
cp source-file.txt destination-file.txt

#Recursive copy
cp -R source-directory destination-directory
  • mv : Move or rename files and directories.
mv [directory/file_name] [target_path]
  • stat: Display file or file system status.
stat [directory/file_name]
  • pwd : Print working directory.

Text Processing:

Search, manipulate, and analyze text files using tools like concatenation, searching for patterns, and text transformations.

  • cat : Display the contents of a file . suitable for short files
cat [textfile]
  • Less :same as cat but suitable for large files and offers more features
less [textfile]
  • grep : Search for a pattern in files.
#Searches for occurrences of the pattern in file
grep pattern [file_name]

#Recursively searche over directory
grep -r pattern [directory_name]

System Information:

Retrieve information about the system’s hardware, software.

Photo by Shaine Tsou on Unsplash
  • uname : Print system information . displays all system information, including the kernel name, network node hostname, kernel release, kernel version, machine hardware name, and processor architecture.
uname -a 
  • Lsblk : list information about block devices, such as hard drives and storage devices
#List only disk devices and their rotational status (SSD or not).
lsblk -d -o name,rota
  • Lspci : displays information about all PCI (Peripheral Component Interconnect) devices connected to your system, including graphics cards, network adapters, sound cards, and other devices.
  • Lshw : List hardware information including , memory, storage devices, network interfaces, and more
  • Lscpu : Display CPU information including the architecture, vendor, model name, CPU cores, cache sizes, and other CPU-related details


monitor resource utilization

Image from Grafana labs
  • top : Monitor and display real-time system resource usage.
  • free : Display available and used memory.
#Available and used memory in human readable format
free -h
  • df : Show disk space usage of file systems.
#Shows disk usage in human readable format
df -h
  • du : Estimate file and directory space usage. This command is at its best when you need to see the size of a given directory or subdirectory
#Shows directory size in a summarized and human readble format
du -sh directory_name

Process Management:

Control and manage running processes, including listing, terminating, and monitoring them.

  • ps : Display running processes.
#Detailed and comprehensive view of the processes running
ps aux
  • kill : Terminate a process by its process ID (PID).
#Sending SIGKILL to process 
kill -9 [PID]
  • killall : Terminate processes by their name. command is used to terminate processes by their names rather than their PIDs
#Sending SIGKILL to process
killall -KILL [process_name]
  • pkill : It’s like killall but It allows you to send signals to processes based on various criteria such as process names, user ownership, process attributes, and more.
#Kill pricess bt name 
pkill [process_name]

#terminate processes matching a particular pattern using regular expressions
pkill -f "pattern"

#terminate processes owned by a specific user
pkill -u [user_name]

#terminate processes in a specific process group
pkill -g [group_ID]
  • pgrep : List processes based on their name or other attributes.
#Get process IDs by name 
pgrep -a [process_name]
  • nice : Set the priority of a process.
#Set value from -20(highest priority) to 19 (lowest priority)
nice -n [value] [command]
  • renice : Change the priority of a running process.
#Changing process niceness
renice [value] [PID]
  • jobs : lists the currently running jobs or processes in the background.
  • bg : move a job or process into the background.
bg [job_id]
  • fg : bring a job or process back to the foreground.
fg [job_id]

Network Operations:

Configure network interfaces, troubleshoot connectivity, and communicate with other network hosts.

Photo by Jordan Harrison on Unsplash
  • ifconfig : Configure and display network interfaces.
  • ip : Configure and display network interfaces (more powerful than ifconfig).
ip addr show
  • ping : Send ICMP echo requests to a network host.
ping [host_name/ip]
  • ufw: Firewall Manager, a user-friendly interface to manage netfilter firewall rules in Linux.
#Activate the firewall
ufw enable

#Deactivate the firewall
ufw disable

#Allow incoming traffic on a specific port or protocol.
ufw allow [port/protocol]

#Deny incoming traffic on a specific port or protocol.
ufw deny [port/protocol]

#Show the status of the firewall, including which rules are active.
ufw status

#Reset all firewall rules to default settings.
ufw reset
  • traceroute : Trace the route that packets take to reach a network host.
traceroute [host_name]
  • netstat : Display network connections, routing tables, and network interface statistics.
#This command provides information about active network connections,
#listening ports, routing tables, and network interface statistics.
#It also show PID.
netstat -tunap
  • nslookup : Query DNS servers to retrieve domain name or IP address information.
#Retrieve information about a domain name
  • SSH : Secure command execution on remote server
#Create SSH key pair ( creates 2 files :1- id_rsa (your private key) and 
# 2- (your public key))
ssh-keygen -t rsa

#See SSH-related files
ls ~/.ssh

#SSH into a remote server
ssh [user_name]@[host_name / IP]

User and Group Management:

Create, modify, and manage user accounts and groups on the system.

  • id : Display user and group identity information.
#Username is optional
id [user_name]
  • useradd : Creates a new user account.
useradd [user_name]
  • userdel : Deletes a user account.
userdel [user_name]
  • groupadd : Creates a new group.
groupadd [group_name]
  • groupdel : Deletes a group.
groupdel [group_name]
  • passwd : Sets or changes a user's password.
passwd [user_name]
  • usermod : Modifies user account properties
#To add a user to additional groups without removing from existing groups
sudo usermod -aG [group_name] [user_name]
  • groupmod : Modifies group properties.
#Add a user to a group,
sudo groupmod -A [user_name] [group_name]

#Remove user from group
sudo groupmod -R [user_name] [group_name]

Package Management:

Install, update, and remove software packages on the system.

Photo by CHUTTERSNAP on Unsplash
  • apt : Package handling utility for Debian-based systems.
#Update pkg list
apt update

#Upgrade installed pkgs
apt upgrade

#Install pkg
apt install [pkg_name]

#Uninstall pkg
apt remove [pkg_name]

#List installed pkgs
apt list

#Search pkg
apt search [pkg_name]

#Show pkg detail
apt show [pkg_name]

#Remove unused dependencies
apt autoremove

#Autoremove and upgrade together
apt full-upgrade
  • yum : Package manager for RPM-based systems.
#Update pkg list
yum update

#Upgrade installed pkgs
yum upgrade

#List installed pkgs
yum list

#Search pkg
yum search [pkg_name]

#show pkg detail
yum info [pkg_name]
  • snaps : Package manager with easy distribution and automatic updates.
#Install a snap
snap install [snap_name]

#Remove snap
snap remove [snap_name]

#List installed snaps
snap list

#View snap info
snap info [snap_name]

#Search for snaps
snap find [search_term]

File Compression and Archiving :

Compress and archive files and directories into a single file for storage or transmission.

  • tar : Archive files into a tarball.
#Create an archive (tarball) of files or directories(not compressed)
tar -cf archive.tar [file_name1] [file_name2] directory

#Compressed archive
tar -zcf archive.tar [file_name1] [file_name2] directory

#Extract the contents of an archive
tar -xvf archive.tar
  • gzip : Compress files using gzip compression.
#Maximum compression level
gzip -v9 [file_name1] [file_name2]

gzip -d mydoc.txt.gz
  • zip : Compress files into a zip archive
#Create zip archive
zip [] [file_name1] [file_name2]

#list the contents of a zip archive
zip -sf <>

#Extract the content of zip archive
unzip []

System Administration:

Perform administrative tasks such as managing users, configuring system settings, and maintaining system security.

  • sudo : Execute commands with superuser privileges.
#Change to root user
sudo su
  • su : Switch to a different user account.
su [user_name]
  • systemctl : Control system services.
#Start service
systemctl start {service_name}

#Stop service
systemctl stop {service_name}

#Restart service
systemctl restart {service_name}

#Service status
systemctl status {service_name}
  • service : Control system services (legacy). Exactly like systemctl but for older versions.
  • chroot : Used to change the root directory for a specific command or process, creating a restricted environment.
sudo chroot [new_root] [command]
  • visudo : Used to edit the sudoers file . The sudoers file determines which users or groups are allowed to run commands with administrative privileges using sudo.
sudo visudo

File Permissions and Ownership:

Set permissions and ownership for files and directories to control access rights.

  • chmod: Change file permissions.
#Add permissions
chmod +rwx [directory/file_name]

#Remove permissions
chmod -rwx [directory/file_name]

#Read, write, and execute permissions for everyone
chmod 777 [directory_name]
  • chown : Change file ownership.
chown [user_name] [file_name]
  • chgrp : Change group ownership.
chgrp groupname filename
  • umask : Set default file permissions. used to set the default file permissions for newly created files and directories.
#Current umask value

#Set umask value
umask 022
  • chown : Change file ownership with superuser privileges.
sudo chown [user_name] [file_name]

Input and Output Redirection:

Redirect input and output streams between commands and files.

  • | (pipe) : Redirect output of one command as input to another command.
command1 | command2
  • | | : Append output to a file.
command1 || command2
  • < : Redirect input from a file.
  • 2>: Redirect error output to a file.
  • &: Redirect both standard output and standard error.
  • tee : Read from standard input and write to both standard output and files.

System Startup and Shutdown:

Manage system startup and shutdown processes, including starting and stopping services.

  • shutdown : Used to schedule system shutdowns or reboots
#Shutdown the system immediately
shutdown -h now

#Reboot the system immediately
shutdown -r now
  • init : Used to change the system’s runlevel or to control the init process, which is the first process started by the Linux kernel during the boot process.
init [runlevel]

init 0

init 6

File and Data Transfer:

Transfer files between local and remote systems securely and efficiently.

Photo by Alexander Sinn on Unsplash
  • sftp : Securely transfer files over SSH.(Most used and easy to use File transfer tool)
#Connect to remote server
sftp user@host

#Commands starting with l start on local server
#Local system pwd
#Local ls

#Commands without l at the begining run on remote server
#Remote pwd
#Remote ls

#Upload file to remote server
put localFile

#Download file from remote server
get remoteFile
  • wget : Retrieve files from the web using HTTP, HTTPS, or FTP.
#download url
wget [url]
  • curl : Transfer data from or to a server using various protocols.
curl [url]
-X POST|GET|DELETE or ... -> HTTP Verb
-H -> Set Header
-b "cookie1=test" -> Set a Cookie
-c {"cookie jar file"} -> Set Cookie file
-d '{"productId": 123456, "quantity": 100}' -> Posting body with request
  • ftp : Transfer files to or from a remote server using FTP.
#Connet to FTP server
ftp [host_name/IP]

#Download file
get [file_name]

#Upload file
put [localfile] [remotefile]

#Delete file on ftp server
delete [file_name]

#Quit and disconnect from the FTP server:

Disk and Filesystem Operations:

Manage disks, partitions, and filesystems, including checking disk space usage and manipulating partitions.

Photo by Denny Müller on Unsplash
  • df : Show disk space usage of file systems.
#Shows disk usage in human readable format
df -h
  • du : Estimate file and directory space usage. This command is at its best when you need to see the size of a given directory or subdirectory
#Shows directory size in a summarized and human readble format
du -sh directory_name
  • fsck : Check and repair a filesystem.
#Automatically repair filesystem errors (if possible)
fsck -a <device>
  • mkfs : Create a new filesystem.
  • mount : Mount a filesystem, making it accessible and usable within the directory tree of the Linux filesystem.
mount [device] [mount_point]
  • umount : Unmount a filesystem.
umount [mount_point]
  • fdisk : Manipulate disk partition table.
blkid [device]
  • blkid : Display block device attributes.
blkid [device]

Shell Scripting:

Write and execute scripts to automate tasks and execute sequences of commands.

  • bash : Execute a Bash script.
bash []
  • sh : Execute a shell script . It runs the script using the default shell interpreter defined in the system.
sh []
  • /etc/shells : List of available shells
cat /etc/shells

System Configuration:

Configure system settings and parameters, often related to the kernel, network, or system services.

Photo by Laura Ockel on Unsplash
  • sysctl : Configure kernel parameters at runtime.
#Display all kernel variables
sysctl -a

#View the current value of a kernel parameter
sysctl [parameter_name]

#Modify a kernel parameter value
sysctl -w [parameter_name]=[new_value]
  • hostnamectl : Control the system hostname.
#View the current hostname

#Set a new hostname
hostnamectl set-hostname [new_hostname]
  • timedatectl : Control the system time and date settings.
#Current system time

#Set the system time zone
sudo timedatectl set-timezone [timezone]

#Manually set the system time
sudo timedatectl set-time "<date> <time>"

Text Editing and Manipulation:

Edit and modify text files using command-line text editors.

  • nano : Beginner-friendly terminal-based text editor.
nano [file_name]
  • vim : Improved version of vi with additional features.
vim [file_name]

File Searching and Locating:

Search for files and directories on the system based on various criteria.

  • find : Search for files and directories based on various criteria.
find [path to search] -name "file_name"
  • locate : Quickly find files based on a pre-built database.
locate "filename"
  • updatedb : Update the file database used by locate.
  • whereis : Locate the binary, source, and manual page files for a command.
whereis [command]
  • grep : Searching and filtering text patterns within files or command output.
grep [options] pattern [file...]

#Recursive search in directory
grep -r "pattern" directory/

#Search in STDOUT
cat [file_name] | grep "pattern"

Working with Environment Variables:

  • env: Display or set environment variables.
#List of current env vars

#Set env var
env VAR1=HTF
  • printenv: Display the values of environment variables.
  • $VARIABLE_NAME: Access the value of an environment variable.
  • export: Set environment variables.
export [VARIABLE_NAME]=[value]
  • echo: Display the value of an environment variable.
  • unset: Remove environment variables.
  • envsubst: Substitute environment variables in a file.
envsubst [inputfile-name] [outputfile_name]

Tips & Tricks:

  • Ctrl+a : Cursur to the line begining
  • Ctrl+e : Cursor to the line end
  • Ctrl+u :Delete everything before cursor
  • Ctrl+r : Reverse search command history
  • Ctrl+c : Sends the SIGINT signal to the current process.
  • Ctrl+z : Sends the SIGTSTP signal to the current process
  • Ctrl+d : Sends the SIGOUT signal to the current process
  • !!(bang bang) : Repeat last cli command
!! | grep "search term"
  • #! (shebang) : Changing shell
  • ~ : point to home dir
  • /dev/null : special file in Linux that discards any data written to it
#Discarding output
command > /dev/null
  • || : Executing the next command if the previous command fails
command1 || command2
  • && : Executing the next command if the previous command succeeds
command1 && command2
  • & : Running a command in the background
command &
  • ; : Sequentially executing multiple commands
command1 ; command2 ; command3

Thank you 🙏 for taking the time to read blog post! Your comments 💬and claps👏would be greatly appreciated as they would motivate me to continue writing and improve.

Moein Moeinnia , My linkedin



Moein Moeinnia

Software Engineer who loves coding with Golang and Node.js. Join me on this coding adventure as we explore their full potential together.