Fasting Weight Loss Method Explained Recommended Five Fasting Weight Loss Method

3 min readMar 9, 2023


Many people may find it difficult to stick to a long exercise or a long diet while they are facing a party, so people will have to use fasting to lose weight. Fasting weight loss methods are actually more, for example, people can not eat for two days at the beginning of the month, and there is only cucumber, only drink honey water.

Although we all know that weight loss should be carried out gradually, but some women friends who love beauty temporarily decided to attend a party or have other things, in order to let themselves have a better image, this time we have to use fasting weight loss method it, if only occasionally use this way, there is no damage to health, and the weight loss effect is also relatively good.

1, the first two days of the month fasting method

We can put the first two days of each month to adhere to a year, we can successfully lose weight. On the day before the fast, we reduce the diet to half of the usual. On the first day of the fast, we also reduce the diet to half of the usual. The day after the fast is just 3/4 of the usual.

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2、Ginger black tea fasting method

Take the right amount of ginger black tea honey with boiling water, black tea ginger when the water temperature to more than 40 degrees and then add honey, especially suitable for cold hands and feet want to lose weight and like to eat snacks female friends, if they often stay up late, the spirit of irregularity, you can also drink some, if the stomach feels burning then drink less, drink 4 to 6 cups a day on it.

3, cucumber fasting method

Between 1–2 days of fasting, you can only eat fresh cucumber, this method can effectively clean up the accumulated toxins in the stomach and intestines, weight loss can also help people reduce blood lipids and prevent cardiovascular disease.

4, honey fasting method

Three meals a day we can only drink honey water, drinking water can only add two tablespoons of honey. The antiseptic and detoxifying effects of honey can effectively improve the internal organs that are weakened by overeating, enhance metabolism and promote fat burning. But this method is not suitable for people suffering from diabetes.

5, fruit and vegetable juice fasting method

Drink only fresh fruit and vegetable juice during the fasting period. Fruits and vegetables are rich in fiber, which can effectively help people clean the stomach and intestines, and also contains a variety of vitamins and minerals. It is also good for beauty and health.

These are the five fasting methods we have introduced to you, if you want to lose weight quickly in a shorter period of time, then you need to take some extraordinary measures. In fact, these methods are not particularly harmful to people’s health, as long as we only occasionally use these methods, can also help people cleanse the stomach and intestines of toxins.

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