Moe Nawaz #LeadershipMentor
2 min readMay 6, 2023

"How to Cope with Being Undervalued and Underpaid"

It's a common experience to feel undervalued and underpaid at work. You may feel like your contributions are not being recognised, or that you are not being paid fairly for your skills and experience. This can be a frustrating and demoralising experience, but there are things you can do to cope.

1. Recognise your value.
It's important to remember that you are valuable, regardless of what your employer thinks. Take some time to reflect on your skills and experience, and list all of the things you bring to the table. This will help you to feel more confident in your value.

2. Set boundaries.
If you are feeling overwhelmed or taken advantage of, it's important to set boundaries. This means saying no to extra work, or to requests that are outside of your job description. It also means setting limits on your time and energy.

3. Take care of yourself.
When you are feeling undervalued and underpaid, it's important to take care of yourself. This means making time for things that you enjoy, such as spending time with loved ones, exercising, or pursuing hobbies. It also means getting enough sleep and eating healthy foods.

4. Network.
One way to increase your value is to network with people in your field. This can help you to learn about new opportunities, and to get your name out there. It can also help you to build relationships with people who can advocate for you.

5. Update your resume and start looking for a new job.
If you have been feeling undervalued and underpaid for a long time, it may be time to start looking for a new job. This can be a scary step, but it could be the best thing for your career. When you are ready to start looking for a new job, be sure to update your resume and cover letter to highlight your skills and experience.

6. Talk to a therapist or counselor.
If you are struggling to cope with feeling undervalued and underpaid, it may be helpful to talk to a therapist or counselor. They can provide you with support and guidance, and help you to develop coping mechanisms.

It is important to remember that you are not alone. Many people feel undervalued and underpaid at work. There are things you can do to cope, and you can take steps to improve your situation.
