The Hidden Gems: Meet the Innovators behind the Product Development at MoEVing!

6 min readSep 17, 2021


“Coming together is a beginning, staying together is progress, and working together is a success.” — Henry Ford

Have you ever used a well-designed and executed product, and wondered, who actually developed it? Who are the masterminds behind such unique innovation?

Is it the advanced system, languages, or possibly tools? But the credit goes to the ingenious mind of the developers! The developers remain hidden behind the mobile screen, working continuously to fix every bug to provide a smooth user experience.

Our developers at MoEVing come from diverse backgrounds. However, they proved that a successful product can only be developed when you have a perfect team to work with.

Today you will meet the hidden gems, our awesome developers, and discover how their career has shaped after joining MoEVing.

Let’s hear them out!

Jaya Jha, Chief Product Officer

“The Proficient and Inspirational Leader”

MoEVing is the first place where I am building the whole product and product team completely from scratch. I am getting to define the organization’s culture and what the product’s role in the business is going to be. It’s a unique experience for me where I am not just developing a product but working to accelerate sustainable mobility nationally.

I have created cool products before for many large companies, and I have indeed build my own business. But this very focused product team and project will play a big role in the larger organization. Building it from scratch is the biggest learning experience and the biggest growth for me.

Message to future MoEVers

One of the most significant qualities I believe in a team member is the fire to get things done, irrespective of what specialization or what specific skills you join us with. I would look for people who are just not looking for a job to earn money, but team members who are looking to solve problems for the users.

For example, if it is a product manager, their job is not just building a product but solving a business problem, a user problem through the product. It’s about taking pride in your work and solving the pain points.

MoEVing can support team members by providing a wide berth to grow in whichever direction they want to grow. If they want to specialize, we will have ways to do it. If they want to grow into broader roles, we will support their ambitions and aspirations. We hope to create different avenues in their career path, so they can grow in a way that is meaningful for them.

Ashish Kumar, Technical Program Manager

“ The Problem Solver and Convergent thinker”

MoEVing is my big growth and learning phase. I was not hired to do just a job or complete projects. Instead, I started my journey with MoEVing while being a part of the process that made MoEVing. We were excited about the whole idea of MoEVing being the early adopter of electric vehicles in the industry. We knew how to work with electric vehicles and want to make it a success.

We started with the idea in November, did the primary research, and by January 2021, we knew what we had to do. By the time our company was registered, we had a couple of clients and we knew how to manage and grow in the space. Our EV experienced has helped us a lot.

In MoEVing, I was able to break the barriers and experiment in different areas. We worked for the independence of attempting and experimenting things. MoEVing kept the organization structure such that anyone can contribute to anything they enjoy in a particular space.

Message to future MoEVers

If you believe in a cleaner environment, a better world, and amazing culture to grow career-wise, MoEVing is the place for you. We are here to help you understand the process, but you should come with the enthusiasm to learn and make a significant impact in society.

Ashwini Guli, Senior Software Engineer

“Mastered Web development and Mobile Development, What’s left? ”

As the newest addition to the tech team, I love the work culture at the company. As a part of a growing company, we tend to take up multiple roles and ownership, resulting in our overall growth. There is flexibility, freedom, and opportunity to experiment with languages and tools that we find fit.

Before coming to MoEVing, I was restricted to website development. Here, I learned and worked independently on mobile development. The plus point is the product we are developing is meant for the drivers who are the life-bearers of society. We are working for their betterment, and that makes me proud.

Message to future MoEVers

The future employees can expect challenges and opportunities to work and take up different roles and responsibilities. A small team comes with its own challenges where each team member has to work together for their professional growth and the company’s growth.

What I would want in a team member is their ability to take ownership of the work and execute it.

Ramya T R, Senior Software Engineer

“Expert in handling data and writing complex business logic”

As the first person hired in the technical team, I have been here from the start. So, I had the opportunity to do a lot of things from scratch.

I got to set up our dev server, review the designs from the start, and design our first database.

When I got to know that MoEVing works to promote electric vehicles, I just knew I had to work here. When I learned the business model, the work culture and met the people here, I knew I had made the right decision.

What really excites me about working at MoEVing is that since we are a fairly new company and all our tech products are still in the starting stages; there are so many projects that I can choose from to work on.

I designed databases from scratch, decided on tools and software that we can use. This gave me an opportunity to research various software that I can work with. I have a lot of freedom and autonomy in my work while also having a great team that I can rely on when I need them.

Message to future MoEVers

If you are someone who loves to work independently, if you are obsessed with the best coding practices, if you like building products from scratch, then MoEVing is the place for you.

Shaunak, Product Analyst

“Here to drive product excellence and provide the best business solutions”

Being from a statistics background and experience with only analytics development and research, it looked like a task to get a product-based role while looking for a job change. It was probably my interest and eagerness to learn more about product science and management that landed me here at MoEVing.

My learning curve began from the interview itself, and it’s been a fun journey since then!

Message to future MoEVers

MoEVing is a place where you get tremendous exposure and experience, especially in the product team. The pace at which things move is impressive and it’s also a great feeling to be a contributor. The motivation comes from within :)


“A team that stays together progresses together!!”

A product is nothing without the exceptional skills of developers whose specialization works together to make the enterprise a success! And when there is room for innovation and experimentation, can the enterprise ever fail?

If you want to be a part of the organization and contribute your knowledge to something big and impactful, check out the jobs at MoEVing.

We are waiting for you!!!




Welcome to the MoEVing world! We give power in the driver’s hand to contribute to a sustainable environment with 100 % electric and technical solutions.