Identity-Crises Crisis

Mosadoluwa Fasasi
4 min readJan 30, 2022

Find you and your spot in Christ and begin to live there! Your comparison and wannabeism is where all your and our worries all begin. C’mon now, Enough!

Untitled art by Mosadoluwa Fasasi

Have you seen the rampage on the educational sector and the growing generation? Have you not seen enough in politics?

You, believer in Christ, small oil on your head and you think it’s to build church and gather people. Oh c’mon now! Sit down and pay attention to the Working of your oil! (Ephesians 3:7)

Every one saved was not called to be isolated. Jesus ransomed you and called you to be with him to the end that he can send you out so you can occasion change in the derailed system!

Guess what we’re doing!? We’re all building churches and pseudo heavens and havens where we’re all comfortable with nice sermon. Great patriarch of blessed memory, Alexander Dowie tried that but it was obvious it wasn’t God’s intention. We’re doomed to repeating history if we do not learn of those who walked here before us. In all of these, guess what’s going on out there!? CRISIS!

Even the unbelievers you evangelize to and get saved, they return out there into the terrible systems in the hand of the Enemy and the life is snuffed out of them, in no time! You know about all of these in The parable of the Sower.

If you don’t go out there and occasion change, building systems and structures, in little time you’ll find out your great cathedral can’t contain what’s coming!

Have you not seen our children, sons and daughters given off for and to all kinds of vices!? Oh , don’t bring me the sermon this world isn’t our home we’re just passing through… Have you soon so forgotten your assignment is to salt this place and light it up!? In your own space!

We were talking about politics in at my local assembly earlier today and I was pumped! We discussed Nehemiah and the post in the rebuilding of the walls of Jerusalem. There’s Daniel, the popular one and a lot more! Go on, get out there, build systems! Comments came up on misconceptions and the fear of it but guess what again?

This is why your pastors shake you, in the word, in prayers, fastings, calling out the gifts and shifting you to see!. Agreed, you’re not a pastor but guess what, every believer face one and the same enemy with its system. You know all about these, your notebook is filled with sermons! So, you’re an entrepreneur but there’s a beast sitting upon that sector you can’t afford to meet unprepared or you end up in the bin. For a fact, you will be swallowed if you walk in casually. You’re called into the entertainment sector? I need not talk about this much because we know how they all rise from our supposed safe havens and end up on the other side! Mercy, Jesus!

You’re called into the educational sector and believe me, therapy and high sounding soulish counselling won’t cure what’s in these yoingins’ heart! Is it the banking sector? The health sector? The Housing? Marketing and businesses? The design and Tech space? The fashion sector? All the sectors are bedeviled! and I tell you, you should be afraid if you are to arise and step into any of these sectors but your pastor must have quoted 1 John 4:4 to you a number of times and I’m here to tell you it’s not a cliché! TRULY, GREATER IS HE THAT IS IN YOU THAN HE THAT IS IN THE WORLD AND ITS SYSTEMS!!!

So, you’re not a pastor but you’re getting equipped, you’re not an evangelist but your word life is as tangible as the Word Himself, you’re not a prophet but your handle on discernment is top notch, I could go on! You know all of these gifts, problem is, you only think they should be used in the four walls of your temple! You lie and you’re disillusioned! As I think of it, a sense a bit of selfishness. Yes, you’ve got angels all around you, yes, you’ve secured some bit of favor in God’s sight and you think so highly of yourself that he depends on you for His enterprise, but how about your brethren who are not as sound as you think you are? How about them!?

If talkers were the richest, believers in Jesus would have no match anywhere in the world!

We keep complaining but we’re not doing anything. Enough of being tossed around! Break off the shackles of religion, get renewed and go out there. It’s not your pastor that’d do it, he’s “hopefully” at his spot already, it’s not your discipler that’d do it, he’s in his office. That’s the job according to Ephesians 4, to equip and perfect you for the work of ministry! Sad thing is when we talk ministry, we see cathedral, pews and pulpit!

Break off the spirit of religion and awake Holy Ones! Get up, gird your loins, there is a land yonder!

If you’re willing to find your spot and begin to live there, pray as this:

“Dear Jesus, I believe and confess you as Lord. Help me find my spot in you and help me begin to live therein. Sustain me by your grace and lead me the way eternal forever and ever, amen”.

Congratulations, welcome to your spot in Jesus. If you’d like to know how to find you and understand your workings in Christ, get a Bible and begin to read from the book of John. Also, join a local assembly and see the pastor, he will guide you. God bless you, amen.

