Max Megan Elizabeth Morris
2 min readFeb 28, 2018

Hi. :-)

I’m recovering from traumatic brain injury and severe neuroimmunological breakdown from toxic exposure (TILT) based on a genetic detoxification dysregulation.

This has manifested as conditions like Severe ME (rel. ME/CFS), Chronic Inflammatory Response Syndrome, chronic traumatic pain, digestive failure, and… profoundly thensome. I will spare you the rest of the list tonight. :-)

Now with the help of human friendly protocols and recent dearly-won health supports in place, particularly in awareness of complicated environmental influences, I have been able to slowly start repairing myself.

This starts with my brain function, and building resilience to protect my body from attacks that cut off oxygen to my brain. :-)

Survival needs, and keeping my body out of crisis, usually take all my capacity for physical (including cognitive) exertion, and do not give me leeway for any but the most urgent items.

Amidst a long list of physiological concerns that must always be “top of mind” for me, I still often cannot remember what I am doing or saying from moment to moment. Trying harder to do so often presages unpleasant physiological breakdowns.

If I want healing expressions to flow, I must catch them in the present and share them as immediately as possible, in the moment, before I lose them to inflammation or traumatic amnesia.

I have decided to make this a strength instead of a weakness. :-)

My primary approach embraces the nourishment offered in the present moment. It maximizes environmental awareness, including awareness of uniquely challenging social needs, and it maximizes creative, integrative flow. This improves brain plasticity and somatic learning, and also makes greatest possible use of mirror neurons in adapted – for now usually electronic – social interactions.

Music, art, story, dream, poetry, and the honoring of lived experience are all keen advantages.

In this context, I’m rewiring my neurology through meaningful experience.

I’m working around the parts too damaged to work with yet, while I grow new neural networks with creative new purposes and possibilities wherever else I can (wherever the inflammation is lowest, and changing from moment to moment).

When I exert myself creatively, I also must recover from the crash afterwards. Sometimes those crashes are life-threateningly severe. The more supports we put in place, however, the less I am crashing, the more expediently I can recover after I do, and the more I am able to retain balance through creative exertions.

This is an intense and gratifying learning process.

Having read these details, you might begin to see why this free moment-to-moment expression of my personal landscape of healing creativity is the most abundant resource I have to offer others in exchange for money – money, which is otherwise nearly impossible for me to come by.

So I am also busking – on the internet, where I am able to do so! :-)

Please read more about what I’m busking for here: (Google document)


Now that you understand more of the context, it is time for the most fun part.

Here is a bit of progress I made.






Max Megan Elizabeth Morris

I coordinate smart, loving community caring 4 all in extreme adversity. Severely disabled sex trafficking survivor -- seeking bravest ppl in world. U one? ❤️‍🔥