How Learning Management Systems Facilitate School Administration

Mogana Szorkpor Flomo, Jr.
5 min readJul 9, 2022


How Learning Management Systems Facilitate School Administration

Every day, school administrators have numerous challenges with managing their institutions. The problem is so huge that most institutions only survive through the mercy of God. These problems range from student admission, registration, data management, student monitoring, teacher monitoring, and financial management. Others include transportation, library management, and dormitory management, to name a few. This paper discusses how learning management systems can solve these problems and make school administration fun. Here we will discuss these challenges in no particular order.

Registration of Students

Many students have challenges with manual registration because they have to use many valuable hours standing in lines to pay fees and do other vital work to function correctly in a school. Staff members from the school will have to sit for very long hours. These long sitting hours waste their time and contribute to illnesses such as back aches, shoulder pains, and other related conditions. Also, school administrators get stressed during these times as they must work patiently with the students.


It is an open fact that admission departments of schools, colleges, and universities cannot complete their planned activities on time during the registration and admission of new students. Some challenges encountered by admission officers include generating unique student identification numbers, getting grade sheets ready, administering entrance examinations, and planning and coming up with course timetables for the next term. If any school administration must solve such challenges, they must resolve them using a learning management system designed to meet their needs.

Course planning and management

As mentioned above, the planning and management of courses form part of the notable challenges of school administrators. To address the proper management of courses, institutions must develop programs that adapt to society’s constantly changing requirements. Learning management systems serve best in research, curriculum development, and managing courses. Admins develop course schedules quickly, thus making their tasks even more entertaining for the institution. The work becomes entertaining when technology is at the center of it all.

Monitoring and Evaluation of teachers

In most places, especially in the developing world, teachers use the crumbliness of the educational administration structure to undermine the quality of education. Such practices could include but are not restricted to poor lesson planning, classroom management, test design and administration, grades management, and more. The operational aspect of how well the teachers work can be understood when we use a learning management system. Using the system would require the teachers to log in, take attendance, administer assignments, tests, and quizzes, submit grades, and much more. Schools that do not have technology aiding the evaluation of their teachers miss out on significant issues that need attention. If the school wants to improve significantly, the administrators must consider a system that solves the problems.

Information dessimination

The lack of a good communication platform leads to the suffering of students, teachers, parents, and school administrators. We can observe the disciplinary problems that continue to arise between teachers, students, and schools. Learning management systems have great features that help with timely information sharing in the institution, and students, teachers, parents, and other staff receive information efficiently and timely.

Student monitoring

The lack of a result-based monitoring tool for varying student activities such as attendance, discipline, leave, and tasks is one critical problem in school supervision. Institutions are unable to monitor the activities of students, both academically and behaviorally. Using technology such as an LMS significantly increases the ability of any school to monitor their students properly. For example, a learning management system could monitor how students approach exams, respond to assignments and tasks, and stay engaged with their teachers daily.

Managing Finance

The most significant aspect of any school administration is how they manage the finances. Schools make money, even if it is not enough to run their programs. They receive tuition and other fees from students, contributions from partners, and people who have a passion for education.

In administering a school, it is almost impossible to operate without finances. Schools without the proper infrastructure poorly manage their funds due to failure to track the various contributions and collections of fees. In such systems, people benefit from the flawed system and resist using technology. A school management system with financial management plugins and a human resource management section would break the barriers and bring the institution to its maximum potential.

School Data Management

Data is the life of any entity. The ability of school overseers to properly manage the information they gather while running the institution is significant to note. School overseers have data management challenges, which means the information they receive gets delayed. Interruptions in information sharing are directly proportional to infinite delays in decision-making. In order to make a complete analysis to predict students’ at-risk or successful outcomes, a learning management system provides the way to collect, analyze, interpret and distribute information gathered from data promptly. Also, the LMS assists admins in securely storing the school’s records and avoids bundles of papers from loading the drawer and scattered everywhere.

Managing Time Table

The learning management system provides endless opportunities for school administrators to assign courses to teachers and students. Often, it is difficult for schools to come up with timetables free of conflicts, either with a teacher having an intersection in the time he should be in class or the students having to be assigned to meet two different lecturers in different courses and rooms at the same time. With a learning management system, it becomes easy to plan and schedule tasks and avoid having such conflicts.

It is indisputable that one of the most challenging works is managing salary and fees. Handling the salary records of the staff and calculating their deduction and bonus is chaotic. Likewise, keeping the records and reminders of all students’ fee payments in part is hardly done as financials. Learning management systems are ideal for managing and making all these tasks simple.

To save time, learning management systems can also help school administrators handle office work and, including management of employees’ salaries and other fees, work with vendors by making orders of school supplies simply through a few clicks of the computer mouse.

Other works that the LMS would perform for the school include transportation management, warehousing, dormitory management, library management, and much more.

School administrators who want a great working environment and maintain good records and memories of their work with students, parents, and teachers must encourage using LMS in any school or location.

Learning management systems are ideal for physical and virtual campuses and add value to education. Thus, school administrators should consider setting up these systems in their schools.

