The Role of QR Codes and Augmented Reality in Our Lives

2 min readNov 18, 2023


Photo From QR Code Generator “Launching AR Experiences With an Augmented Reality QR Code”

QR codes and augmented reality are no longer anything new. While I am familiar with both, the concept of augmented reality, in particular, has me excited and intrigued about what is on the horizon and the possibilities of this technology.

QR codes are the reliable go-to for quick tasks such as scanning menus. My experience with augmented reality is limited mostly to gaming. Although they are both a part of our lives, there will be even more applications for both in the near future.

One way this can be done is with resumes. While I am skeptical about the impact of a video introduction due to the skim-read nature of resumes, QR-AR has my attention. For certain jobs, I imagine it would be beneficial to be able to scan a QR code and have your resume transformed into a visual showcase of your work. If they look at your resume long enough, this would be a great way to stand out.

Another setting in which QR-AR could be used is college. These tools can play an important role in making campus life more interactive. In classes, professors can find ways to incorporate AR to make the learning experience more engaging. There can be many different ways to incorporate both AR and QR in college.

In conclusion, QR codes and augmented reality might not be stealing the spotlight, but their practicality and transformative potential are undeniable. Whether navigating the job market or exploring college campuses, these digital tools quietly reshape our experiences, and I am eager to see where they take us next.

Reflection From Chapter 6: Engage and Excite Motivating Students With Tech-Friendly Tasks

Chapter 6 dives into the role of scannable technology in making learning more interesting and motivating for students. It discusses how tools like QR codes and augmented reality provide an interactive way for students to connect with information. The chapter emphasizes the significance of engaging students and suggests that scannable tech can act as a hook at the beginning of lessons to maintain their interest. Using QR codes and augmented reality to make lessons more exciting aligns with the trend of integrating technology into the classroom. I found this chapter intriguing because it explores the use of scannable tech in education, a practice that has become more widespread.

However, challenges may arise, such as students getting distracted and accessing unrelated content. Teachers need to find effective ways to prevent or minimize these issues. Despite these challenges, I believe that incorporating augmented reality into students’ learning experiences will be a positive overall.

