Differences Between Entity Framework (EF) and Entity Framework Core (EF Core)

Mohamad Khalid Absy
3 min read3 days ago


Photo by Elena Cordery on Unsplash

Entity Framework (EF) and Entity Framework Core (EF Core) are both Object-Relational Mapping (ORM) frameworks developed by Microsoft, designed to simplify data access in .NET applications. While both frameworks share a common purpose, they have significant differences that cater to various development needs. This article delves into the key distinctions between EF and EF Core.

  1. Framework Versioning and Architecture

Entity Framework (EF)

  • Version: EF is often referred to as EF 6 or simply EF, which is the earlier version of the framework.
  • - Architecture: EF is built on the .NET Framework. It uses a more monolithic architecture, which means it is tightly coupled with the framework and does not support cross-platform development.

Entity Framework Core (EF Core)

  • Version: EF Core is a complete rewrite of EF and is often referred to as EF 7 (or later versions).
  • - Architecture: EF Core is designed to work with .NET Core and .NET 5/6/7, allowing for cross-platform development. This makes EF Core suitable for building applications on various operating systems, including Windows, Linux, and macOS.

2. Database Provider Support

Entity Framework (EF)

  • Supported Databases: EF primarily supports SQL Server and has limited support for other databases such as Oracle and MySQL through third-party providers.
  • - Provider Extensibility: While there are options for third-party providers, they are not as robust or well-documented as those for EF Core.

Entity Framework Core (EF Core)

  • Supported Databases: EF Core supports a wider range of databases out of the box, including SQL Server, SQLite, PostgreSQL, MySQL, and many others.
  • - Provider Extensibility: EF Core’s architecture is designed for extensibility, allowing developers to create and use custom database providers more easily.

3. Performance and Features

Entity Framework (EF)

  • Performance: While EF is generally efficient, it may not perform as well as EF Core in certain scenarios, particularly with large datasets or complex queries.
  • - Features: EF includes features like lazy loading, change tracking, and a rich set of LINQ queries but lacks some of the newer functionalities found in EF Core.

Entity Framework Core (EF Core)

  • Performance: EF Core is optimized for performance with improvements in query execution, caching, and batching of commands. It is generally faster than EF, especially for bulk operations.
  • - Features: EF Core introduces several new features, such as:
  • . – Shadow Properties: Properties that are not defined in the entity class but are tracked by the context.
  • . – Global Query Filters: Filters that can be applied globally to all queries for a specific entity type.
  • . – LINQ Improvements: More advanced LINQ support for querying.

4. Migration and Database Schema Management

Entity Framework (EF)

  • Migrations: EF supports code-based migrations, but managing complex migrations can be cumbersome, especially in larger projects.
  • - Database Initialization: EF requires more manual setup for database initialization and seeding data.

Entity Framework Core (EF Core)

  • Migrations: EF Core provides a more streamlined and user-friendly migration experience, making it easier to manage changes in the database schema.
  • - Database Initialization: EF Core includes built-in methods for seeding data and managing database initialization, simplifying the development process.

5. Community and Ecosystem

Entity Framework (EF)

  • Community Support: EF has a long-standing community, but the focus has shifted towards EF Core, leading to fewer updates and resources for EF.
  • - Documentation: While documentation is available, it may not be as comprehensive for newer use cases.

Entity Framework Core (EF Core)

  • Community Support: EF Core has a vibrant and active community, with frequent updates and improvements. It is the focus of ongoing development by Microsoft.
  • - Documentation: EF Core has extensive and up-to-date documentation, making it easier for developers to find resources and examples.


In summary, while both Entity Framework and Entity Framework Core serve the same fundamental purpose of simplifying data access in .NET applications, they cater to different needs and environments. EF Core is the modern, cross-platform successor to EF, offering improved performance, a wider range of database support, and a more flexible architecture. For new projects, especially those targeting .NET Core or .NET 5/6/7, EF Core is generally the recommended choice. However, existing applications built on EF may continue to function well, and developers should consider the specific requirements of their projects before making a transition.

