Getting Started With Adabas & Natural Part 2

Accessing Adabas database via Adabas REST web app

Mohamad Mahmood
5 min readOct 29, 2022

The Adabas REST web application provides two approaches for the users/developers to access the Adabas database: (1) The first approach is to access using database/file short names (a.ka. classic access), (2) The second approach is to access using database/file long names (a.k.a map access).

(1) First Approach: Accessing Adabas database using database/file short names (classic access).

Browse the URL http://localhost:8190/#/database

Select Database no. 12 and File no. 9.

Select Database No. and File No.

The system will populate the fields list. The list consists of two-lettered field names.

Fields list is populated by short field names.

Notice that the URL query box above displays the REST GET request command example i.e. ./rest/fields/12/9

Click on the Query data button.



Mohamad Mahmood

Programming (Mobile, Web, Database and Machine Learning). Studies at the Center For Artificial Intelligence Technology (CAIT), FTSM, UKM, Malaysia.