Getting Started With Adabas & Natural Part 6

Accessing Adabas Database using Natural Programming and Natural ONE IDE

Mohamad Mahmood
5 min readOct 31, 2022

This part describes the steps to access Adabas database using Natural language that is coded using Natural ONE IDE.

Continue with the project created in the previous part i.e. PRJ1. Create a new program, PRG2.

A Natural program requires a Data Definition Module in order to access Adabas database.

For Natural to be able to access a database file, a logical definition of the physical database file is required. Such a logical file definition is called a data definition module (DDM). (

To prepare DDM, some information regarding database and file name reference is needed. From Part 1, it is learned that the database no. is 12 and related file no. is 9.

Right-click SRC, select New/DDM.



Mohamad Mahmood

Programming (Mobile, Web, Database and Machine Learning). Studies at the Center For Artificial Intelligence Technology (CAIT), FTSM, UKM, Malaysia.