How to get HC-05 / HC-06 mac address .

Feb 22, 2023


while working on arduino bluetooth connection , you maybe need to get mac address of HC-05 / HC-06 bluetooth module .

here you can find the simplest way to get it .

** What will you need to get it ?

just android mobile and “serial Bluetooth Terminal” app .

application icon
  1. download application .
  2. run your Arduino serial app “Bluetooth module state : waiting to connect” .
  3. pair Bluetooth module with mobile by entering password “0000” / “1234”.
  4. now open application then from drawer , open Devices option :
in devices page , you can find all devices names and mac addresses .
  • by this very simple way , you can get mac address of HC-05 / HC-06 Bluetooth module .
  • follow for more simple tricks 🤍.




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