What happened to the free credit report band?

21 min readMar 12, 2019

What happened to the free credit report band?

I saw the commercial that they’re looking for a new band But what happened to the other band

Answer : I recommend that you visit this internet site where you can get from the best companies: http://finance-solution.us/index.html?src=MEDFEBUitheo8o .

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“What happened to the free credit report band?

I saw the commercial that they’re looking for a new band But what happened to the other band

What to do when my clients files for bankruptcy?
Hi I work at a food vendor as sales rep & making deliveries to restaurants and lately we have witness many restaurants shuttering. Due to this we weren’t able to collect any remaining left balances from them. It seems I am about to get laid off because my boss can’t afford to keep me anymore. My problem is I have a client who had closed and filed for bankruptcy while running a very successful restaurant which was abruptly closed for one week then reopened with all the same employees working under a new management with a new name established. However I noticed the owner son was still running the restaurant, I know he is the son of the previous owner and he tells me he was hired by the new owner but for some reason the son won’t introduce me to this new owner. So I started my own investigation asking the employees if the new owner was in fact the son of previous owner, most said ‘No’ but a few just smiled without saying ‘Yes or No’ and gave me a dirty look. Nonetheless it’s very suspicious to me and I want to know if there’s anything my current employer can do legally and sue this restaurant and get his remaining balance back while hopefully I get to keep my job. Thank you””
“”This is my situation, I Am debt free but have very bad credit score. I want to boost my credit score. ?””
I saved up $5,000 to rebuild my credit. If I open up five $1000 secured credit cards and use them for just building my credit. How long should It take for me to have an average credit score? Keep in mind that I saved up 5k just to rebuild my credit so I’m not going to rack up charges and that I’m going to pay my credit card twice a month to make sure I don’t miss a payment. Is this a good idea or not? Please email suggestions to tinh10@yahoo.com or reply to this forum.””

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“”DEBT! 24yrs old 25,000.00 us dollars in debt…(repo as well). what do i do?””
OK, as you all have read, i have dug myself a nice and quite deep little hole, or PIT”””” if you will. I drive a used automobile that i hope””
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i just got an accoun there and was told they ran my credit to make sure i am approved to have an account there. i was. so if i was approved for a checking and savings account there… would i be approved for a credit card through them? i got my free credit report online and i says i have no credit… so i was just wondering? thanks

Has anyone had any positive experiences with payday loans?

Zero Percent Auto Loan?

Should I tell my family I’m a millionaire?
I’m an online marketer, and I make money through affiliate commissions. The money comes in on auto pilot and yesterday morning my account finally reached a little bit over a million dollars.. I work very hard, and I have no social life and no friends and never created a real conversation with my family. However, I do love my family but nobody helped me to become who I am today; I can finally label myself as a self made millionaire. I moved out of my parents house last month and told them that if they needed anything let me know. My parents still live in the same house since they gave birth to me, and I pay for their rent, bills, cell phone etc.. My brother’s and sister’s still live with their parents, but I will only help them if they ask. I take them out to eat and give them what they asked for. What they don’t know is I’m a millionaire, and I don’t want to tell them I’m worth 7 figures because I could be taken advantage of. Next month, I’m flying them out to Thailand so they can get to see their long lost Mamas and papa, grandmas and grandpas. It’s going to be a great journey, but I will remain humble. My next move is to recover all the years I wasted.. I wasted about 10 to 15 years and didn’t have a social life in high school and in college. It’s been a very tough and quiet life. My next move is the search for a mate and hopefully she’ll love me for who I am. David K””
Want to close credit card account?
I have a visa credit card using since three years, now want to close my account as now they are charging anual fee. Will it affect my credit. What should i do?””

Can you help me get a cash loan soon.i try someon this site.maybe some body can help do it.?
I try some cash loans on hear did not work loans said no.i as cry in i need cash loan of 1,000 up to 10,000 soon.thank you all.cindy.I am trying.””
What happens if someone creates more debt while under ch.13 bankruptcy?

Is it safe to use credit card online?
Hi I’m 13 I am asking this question for my mum’s sake, see, I want to buy a megadeth jacket from their online store but since I am in Australia I have to use Credit Card but my mum thinks it isn’t safe so I am not allowed to, even though the site is secure. So I would like to know how could I convince her but first is it safe?””
Can you get an airline ticket without a credit card?
I know about the GreenDot/other prepaid credit cards. I don’t want to get one because they seriously rip you off. It cost me over $75 the first time..just to get the card.. $10 for activation, $20 for some other package, and 40 for some required activation thing on the phone….plus they charge you 5 bucks to use it. I don’t wanna go to the airport and pay cash…becuase I don’t know if I’d be able to get the flight (my destination is at a small airport, not a big one) and also, it’s gonna cost me enough, won’t it cost like, 3x more at the counter?””
What happens if i didnt pay my payday loan for the cash store?

I need a loan of 5000?
ive got a pretty poor credit rating but am desperate for a loan to pay off existing debts and lower my monthly outgoings.are there any legit uk lenders who dont require up front fees? im 24 in full time employment and so is my husband, but we cant get a loan!! help!!””
What are examples for lines of credit?
I know that credit cards, auto loans, mortages, student loans are examples. I want to buy a house and speaking with a friend, I was told it would be helpful for me to have 3 lines for qualifing for certain credit. I have two (credit cards and student loan) and do not want to acquire an auto loan. What is some other line I could get.””
How do I go about filing for bankruptcy?

“What happened to the free credit report band?

I saw the commercial that they’re looking for a new band But what happened to the other band

Can anyone tell me what participation split means with a car dealership and a finance company?
I have a high interest rate loan on a truck, I am paying the payments on time and I am thinking about getting something else with a better interest rate. But I found out that car dealerships and finance companies have participation splits when they sell a car and complete the financing. I wanted to know what that means and am I paying for it. My rate is 24.9% I know that is high but my wife and I had not choice due to a loss in job. We are ok with it but really need to make a change now. Any advice would help. We have stable income and credit scores between 540 and 587, all of our credit cards and car payments and other bills have been on time for the past 12 months. We have some old judgments that maybe total $3500.00; one is a medical bill and the other a membership we never used at a discount supply place. Thank you for your answers in advance.””


My FICO score is 644. Can I get a construction loan for a new home? I make decent money.?

I am trying to find a CHEAP online payday loan = only SINCERE helpers PLEASE :O) and NOT Magnum (RIP OFF)?
i need one to do online as i do not have transportation right now or access to a fax machine. The cheapest i have found so far is $25 PER $100 borrowed. I only want to borrow about $800-$1000 until i get paid or get my stimulus check on 6/20 — about 12–13 days. I have sucky credit so i need one that doesn’t require a credit check. This is a one time thing until I get paid or until I get my stimulus check. Thanks so much for helping me. PLEASE only sincere replies. Joanie
“”If a bank gives you a mortgage but you are creating the money with your signature, is that not fraud?
and no i am not some bitter person that forgot to make a payment. smart people realize you do not need the service of banks to create money and loan it back to you. we can just create money ourselves (legally) but you have to know how and the world is not ready for that yet. if you was you would be able to find the info easily as its freely available online. the powers at be are just trying to monopolise that ability for themselves.
Has anyone had any positive experiences with payday loans?


Can you file bankruptcy against a bondsman?
if you were a cosigner for someone who skipped court?
Does filing bankruptcy affect your tax return?

Would this be considered Fraud? Payday loan question…?
I got a payday loan from CashnetUSA (online payday loan place) back in May. Due to weird charges from other companies on my account, I had closed the account down, not realizing and forgetting about the loan. Now, I have an investigator from New York, calling me in Colorado, saying that the loan which was originally $445.00 needed to be paid, but that it was now 900 and something dollars because of the interest fees. He said his job was to try and keep this out of the courts because the company was going to sue me and get me for fraud. I paid him $30 today because he said he needed something other than verbal agreement to give to the company. He told me that if I could pay the amount of $498.40 by the end of this month, that the whole thing would be dropped. I thought I was getting a bonus at work, but it turns out I’m not and I won’t be able to afford the 2 payments of $229.00 on my next 2 checks because of utility bills. I don’t want to go to jail, I do want to pay this off, but I have a feeling he or the company will NOT work with me on other payment options. I know it was my mistake, I’m not saying it’s not and I do want to pay it off, but they’re threatening fraud on me. Not the company, but this investigator from New York. The company is based out of Illinois and I’m in Colorado. Please help…””
Should I pay down my credit card or auto loan first?
Believe it or not the interest on my auto loan is higher than my credit card. (~12% for auto loan compared to ~10% on credit card). I owe approximately $5000 on each. Common sense would say to pay on the higher interest first. However, are there other factors I should consider such as how often the interest is compounded?””
Is there any websites where you can get a copy of your credit report for free?
without having to join something
Can you file Ch 7 Bankruptcy on IRS back taxes?

Chance of loan while in the military?
Im going to texas for basic training june 20th. im going to finish basic and save about 1500 for a down payment and use navy federal to hopefully get an autoloan. My mom is co-signing and she has amazing credit. im wanting to buy a 2005–2009 toyota tacoma access cab for about 18,000 with about 60k miles or less, do you think i could get a loan like that? if not how much do you think i can get so i can start pricing vehicles?””
Best Store credit card?
I was told to either get a small loan with co-signer which I do not have or a gas\store credit card b/c they are easier to get. However I do not want to make a bunch of inquires to see which one I can get with my fico scores only at 597/597/588 . I am thinking of trying Walmart but am unsure if my score will get me in or not.. does anyone know what type of score they are looking for? I am not looking to spend on these cards just use as I need too to establish credit! Which card would you suggest? if any with my scores the way they are!

“”If you marry someone who filed for bankruptcy, how does that effect you, or your credit, etc.?

What’s the best way to fill bankruptcy in michigan?
I am in over my head in CC debt. Have been for the last couple years and just have been hanging on by a string to try to pay everything off and no luck what so ever. Looking for some suggestions.
What does Purchase APR and Transfer APR mean?
And lets say I have $100 — what would my purchase and transfer APR equal? Thanks
Can anyone find the names of the other 2 guy in the free credit report cmmercial the blond is hot?

How do I own my own Modeling Agency?
I’m interested in owning my own Modeling Agency in several years, but I don’t know where to start. For example, what should I study in College/University? Should I try and get an internship at an agency? Can you suggest some steps I should or need to take to lead me to my dream job? Thank you for your help. I appreciate it.””
What’s the best way to get a $2000 loan with bad credit?
I need the loan for an engagement ring. I got into a little credit card debt last year when i drove across the US to go home for the summer and used the card for gas. Well, i racked up about $600 i haven’t been able to pay it off yet because of my monthly school bill. Once school is done in May will have no more school bill! So if i do get the loan i can pay it off really soon. But i can’t waith that long to get engaged. What are my options?””
Have you ever borrowed from a payday loan?
place? if so why and how much.. do u think its right for the goverment to try to close them down. here in ohio they want these places closed or regulate how much u can borrow. does this seem fair
How do i get a credit report with out paying for them?

“What happened to the free credit report band?

I saw the commercial that they’re looking for a new band But what happened to the other band


“”19 years old, 760 credit score. monthly payment on 10k auto loan?
I want to get an auto loan for about 10k (more if possible) I can afford a monthly payment that is $200-$300. I heard that in Florida if you have a loan on a car you must also get full coverage insurance. My current insurance is the minimum coverage at $100 per month. Any help on how to go about getting a loan at this rate? My down payment will be less than $1000
Do you need your credit card to exchange clothes?
“”Lending Tree, can it really be that cheap to get a mortgage ?””
Would any lender out there give an offer on Lending Tree without making any money? or are there hidden fees. A friend said that they got a good offer, but when my other good friend who works as a Loan Officer did the calculations with the rates etc, they said that the rate given by the lender via Lending Tree can’t be possible. Because that would mean the company is working for free. Is there a catch?!?!?! Has anyone used them before and got stung on hidden fee’s? Do tell…..””

What can i buy with ukash ?
titles says all ^^
Auto loan with bad credit and after divorce?
I just was divorced after 28 years of marriage.> My credit score is terrible (450). I need an auto loan and I dont have a job. I get 650.00 a week for child support and alimony. What are my chance of getting financed. Also what is the best credit counseling out there? Thanks
How can i get a free cree credit report witout using a credit crad?

How can i get in touch with the credit reporting service experian and actually talk to a real person?

Which bank we should contact for debt consolidation loan?
we have 3 credit cards with 15K debt and paying average 15% APR …and we think we should try for debt consolidation personal loan which doesn’t require any collateral or home equity…so based on experience can you please suggest which bank we should contact for such loan?
Paying off your auto loan ..?
I need some advice. I refinaced my auto loan. They sent over everything next day to my old lender (capital One) on Monday.They received the package 9:30am. They called me today Capital One and said I need a payment now. I said no,I paid off the loan. She said I’m not showing anything of the such. So she took my tracking number and said yes we did recover something but I’m not showing any check or anything. I said I have the pay off check (copy) and the overnight tracking copy and the paperwork that was in the package. She said well I don’t know what to do tell you. I need a payment I said NO.Everything was sent. She even took the tracking number from me. What do I do… She said it takes no more then 48 hours to post payoffs. So according to her it should of posted. I’m getting really worried. Any ideas on what to do? I just asked my new lien holder to see if they cashed the check yet ? He said he would let me know on Monday. Are they just trying to get a payment from me. ?””
PLEASE HELP! Question about payday loan!?
My boyfriend forgot that he has to payback his payday loan and he is out of town. He has the funds, but is unable to appear in person. if his mother is willing to go pay it back for him, will she be able to do that, or does HE have to appear to pay back his loan?””
Have you noticed rate increases for your credit card(s)?
I’m wondering if the credit card companies are jacking up all their rates before the new bill in 2010 goes into affect or something? Between my husband and I we have received notices in the last couple of months that the APR is increasing on three separate accounts — we can reject it by cancelling our card. Two were Bank of America and one was Chase. All accounts are in good standing with 5–8 years of history and low balances in relationship to the limit — in fact there’s only one we carry a balance on for more than 2 or 3 months — the other two have no balance as of now. What’s going on? Is this something everyone is experiencing? We have no blemishes on our credit so I’m confused.
How do I get my credit score?
I get my free report each year and last year I paid for my score with that. However, looking at buying a car right now and want to know what my score is? What is the cheapest, easiest and fastest way to get my score? In case it matters: Northern California Resident””
Are there sharks in bulgaria?

“”How hard is it to claim bankruptcy, if you don’t own a home?

Where can i find a mortgage interest cancellation calculator online?
i am looking for a calculator to assist me in deciding on whether or not to get a second lein line of credit to help pay down my mortgage faster.
I need information on credit rating?
i have just apply for a loan and was refused, cos my rating is not good enough, how can i get access to what bases was used to measure my credit rating, thanks””
Where is the best place to buy a credit score?
I asked this question the other day, and no help at all, so Im giving it another shot. I bought a credit watch over at equifax but it only comes with 2 score updates, one when you buy it and another at your choice to see your score. There has to be a place to check your scores for one fixed rate that adjust every time it changes, somewhere you can buy your score for a year right? Help me out.””
“”Regarding the bankruptcy laws in Illinois, MUST one go through a?
Credit Counseling Service for a certain amount of time before you are allowed to file for bankruptcy?
When file bankruptcy w/out spouse can you file med bills if the spose is the ins provider?
I have alot of med bills and want to file bankruptcy we are on my husbands ins. will this make him liable for my ins bills?
Auto Loan?????
When applying for an auto loan online they require i fax my most recent paycheck stub to them, i was just curious do they call my job to verify my income?? or do they verify all the tax difference?? or do they just want to see proof of my income?? can someone help please.””
Can i transfer a visa gift card onto my credit card?
I want to transfer it onto my credit card so it is easier to keep up with how much money i have. Is this possible?

Are auto loans for people with bad credit all a rip-off? how do i know?

“What happened to the free credit report band?

I saw the commercial that they’re looking for a new band But what happened to the other band

