#Random Acts of Kindness

Mohammad Abdullah
3 min readAug 28, 2017


It was a great activity to do. I did some very small acts like gave money to a poor boy as he was asking that he needed the money to get home, washed some dishes for my mother, filled the water for birds, provided the ride to my cousin to the workshop and helped my father with his work by just becoming an extra hand. The experience of doing these small acts felt so good. It’s always pleasing when you help someone with the intention that it’s for your own self satisfaction. And these acts are especially for the learning purpose and for getting experience out of it so it was great doing it. When you do something kind to someone at that time you realize that how people respond when they see that someone is doing some nice thing without any need for him/her to do that.

We live in a world with the mindset that everyone is selfish and has no time for others. People have become self-centered and they do not care for anyone else apart from their own selves. So doing small acts of kindness can change the world and mindset of people. Nelson Mandela is one of the best examples of showing kindness to others.

And if we think about someone more relatable, than our own Prophet PBUH is the best example of showing kindness and compassion for others.

Using kindness and having a soft corner for people can work for you at your job as well. If I am on a job and I am kind to my teammates and my subordinates, eventually they start treating me with the kindness too. Giving a cup of tea to the peer, helping someone with completing his project, acting nice with the peon and be a kind teammate when someone having issues in doing work can bring great results for me and all of us at our jobs and in daily life.

In my opinion kindness is very important as I believe in that “with your kind behavior you can even convince your enemy to be kind towards you”. This is all from my side!

