How to use FastAPI with an IoC framework

Mohammad Elmi
3 min readAug 1, 2023

While FastAPI has a dependency injection mechanism, it doesn't implement a comprehensive IoC. The aim of this article is to utilize an IoC framework without leaking abstractions between layers of the software.

Problem Definition

Consider we have a Protocol and its implementation and we want to inject the concrete class into our API handler method.

class Greeter(Protocol):
def greet(self) -> str: ...

class WorldGreeter(Greeter):
def greet(self) -> str:
return 'Hello World!'

There are IoC frameworks for Python that we can register this Protocol and its corresponding concrete into them. Suppose using punq for example:

def get_container() -> punq.Container:
container = punq.Container()
container.register(Greeter, WorldGreeter)
return container

container = get_container()

The question is how can we use this container with FastAPI.

Step 1: Using a higher-order function

FastAPI has a dependency injection mechanism. This mechanism accepts a function as an argument. Let’s consider this example:

async def read_items(commons: Annotated[dict, Depends(paging_parameters)]):

Before handling each request, Depends tries invoking paging_parameters and passing the result of it as the commons parameter to the request handler (read_items here). Notice that paging_parameters was passed without parentheses as a function parameter.

How can we take advantage of this on our end? We want to pass the resolve method of the container object. But that method takes the class we want to resolve as a parameter. So we want to have a parameterless function as the parameter of Depends and that function should somehow know what was the parameter for resolve . Sounds like closure? Because it is:

T = TypeVar('T')

def resolver(t: Type[T]) -> Callable[[], T]:
return lambda: container.resolve(t)

app = FastAPI()

async def greet(greeter: Annotated[Greeter, Depends(resolver(Greeter))]):
return {"message": greeter.greet()}

Here we created a resolver function whose return value is a function. When we defined our greet handler, we passed resolver(Greeter) which returns the lambda function that uses container to resolve the Greeter class.

It is worth noting that we could equally define our resolver function like this:

def resolver(t: Type[T]) -> Callable[[], T]:
return functools.partial(container.resolve, t)

Step 2: It is a Service

Although the previous method works fine, typing Annotated[Greeter, Depends(resolver(Greeter))] each time might be error-prone. What if we had a function that could be replaced with Depends(resolver(Greeter))?

def Service(t: Type[T]) -> Any:  # noqa: N802
def resolver(t: Type[T]) -> Callable[[], T]:
return lambda: container.resolve(t)
return Depends(resolver(t))

Using this Service function, we can rewrite our handler simply as:

async def greet(greeter: Annotated[Greeter, Service(Greeter)]):
return {"message": greeter.greet()}

Neat and concise.

Step 3: Larger Programs with multiple Files

In larger programs, we usually define our endpoints in multiple files. On the other hand, the way we defined our Service function, it directly depends on our IoC container and because of this, it cannot be imported into other files.

To remedy this issue, first, we add our container to the state of our FastApi app:

app.state.ioc_container = container

Second, we update our resolver function to take a second argument so that we can access our container through it:

def Service(t: Type[T]) -> Any:  # noqa: N802
def resolver(t: Type[T], request: Request) -> T:
return Depends(functools.partial(resolver, t))

Note that functools.partial(resolver, t) is a single argument function that takes a Request parameter. But the point is that FastAPI knows how to inject Request parameters.


We created a small handy function that can be used anywhere to inject services into our handler functions.

You can find the entire program here or in this gist.

import functools
from typing import Annotated, Any, Callable, Protocol, Type, TypeVar
from fastapi import APIRouter, Depends, FastAPI, Request
import punq

# domain - no dependency to FastAPI or IoC

class Greeter(Protocol):
def greet(self) -> str: ...

class WorldGreeter(Greeter):
def greet(self) -> str:
return 'Hello World!'

# IoC

def get_container() -> punq.Container:
container = punq.Container()
container.register(Greeter, WorldGreeter)
return container

# Helper - No dependency to app or container

T = TypeVar('T')

def Service(t: Type[T]) -> Any: # noqa: N802
def resolver(t: Type[T], request: Request) -> Callable[[], T]:
return Depends(functools.partial(resolver, t))

# API - No dependency to app or container

router = APIRouter()

async def greet(greeter: Annotated[Greeter, Service(Greeter)]):
return {"message": greeter.greet()}

# app

app = FastAPI()
app.state.ioc_container = get_container()

