Lesson planning table

Mohammad Mojamo
8 min readFeb 19, 2023


One of the tools that can make studying easier for students is the lesson planning table. This table helps people to know what they should do every day and every hour; Also, by doing this, they realize what goal they are going to move towards in the long run and what the final result of their efforts will be. For example, the daily lesson planning table helps you not to forget any of your next day’s homework.

Study planning table

Making a lesson planning table will help you get organized to do all your homework. All students have this problem that they have forgotten one of the assignments or exams due to their large amount of work and have come to class empty-handed! Planning and writing down the tasks in a table will help you to prepare everything on time.

The discipline that this gives you will gradually make you stronger than your competitors like a special and extraordinary talent. Even if you are using jump tutor packages, having this table can help you a lot to reach your goals. So, don’t miss the opportunity and start planning your study plan today after reading this content.

The benefits of having a planning table for studying

By filling in this table, you can evaluate what you have done during the week, month or a semester.

In this way, you will know the results of your efforts and identify your strengths and weaknesses. This process allows you to make the most of your abilities and not underestimate yourself. If you have a lot of work to do during the day but you can’t do some of them, it is recommended to definitely use the lesson planning table.

Having a plan will help you keep your mind on things. The result of this comfort is more concentration for studying. Increasing concentration for studying makes the brain function better than ever, and as a result, the quality of a person’s study is also higher.

When you progress step by step by filling out the lesson planning table and achieve better results, you will develop a sense of self-satisfaction.

This feeling motivates everyone to continue the path more than before; Therefore, you step on the path of success with a strong and confident spirit

The following are the advantages of the lesson planning table:

Creating mental order and progress

By creating mental order, you can think correctly and use the information you get at the right time. With this process, you will definitely improve; Because you remember and apply the material you need at the right time.

Saving time and using it usefully

The problem that most students always have is lack of time. They always complain that they don’t get to study all their lessons by saying that I don’t have time or I don’t get to all my lessons. Therefore, having a planning table prioritizes your lessons and allows you to manage your time.

In this way, you won’t say that I don’t have time and I don’t get to my lessons.

More hope for the future and use of opportunities

If you set goals for yourself, it means that you have a future in mind and hope for your life. In this way, you can use your opportunities to improve your academic status.

Eliminate exam stress and anxiety

Having stress during exams is a natural issue for you, and by applying mental relaxation techniques, you can remove your worries and improve your concentration during exams.

Strengthening and improving memory over time

It may have happened to you that you forgot something important during the exam session and did not remember it no matter what you did. This causes you to lose your concentration completely. That’s why it should be important to strengthen your memory so that you don’t have to worry about forgetting things.

Strengthening will and commitment

There are many patients who know what foods are not good for them and what diet they should follow. Studying is the same. You know in which topics you are weak and which of your lessons you need to strengthen. But just knowing is not enough. You must have a strong will to improve your weaknesses and be committed to your curriculum to solve academic problems

Guide to writing lesson planning table

Determine your next week’s schedule every Friday. Write down on paper what you are going to do.
Consider the time needed to do each and write it down.
Break your tasks into smaller parts to make them more enjoyable and easier for you.
Then bring these minimized parts into the program. You can take a break between them or study another lesson.
At the end of the day, be sure to write a report of what you have done and adapt it to your schedule.

Standard lesson planning table

Some counselors give a ready plan to their students and the students are happy that they don’t have to worry about planning anymore. But this is not good at all. In these cases, the candidate will be left out of the program, and if he does not reach the program, he will be mentally disturbed.

The best program is for the candidate to write according to his body clock, his life plan and his self-awareness about learning. A good counselor is also the one who teaches his student how to plan so that he can do some lessons according to the learning conditions and the need to study more.

A requirement for any type of lesson planning

Knowledge of standard lesson planning, various study styles and recognition of individual habits are necessary to start any kind of lesson planning. However, the entrance exam consultant should be aware of these issues and teach his student to plan and leave him free on this path

What features should the planning table have?

One of the most important features that a planning table should have is that it is arranged for each person according to his personal goal. Among the students, the educational conditions are different in each stage and grade; The number of textbooks, their volume and the time spent in class will also be different according to different grades. Therefore, the table that is prepared for each educational level must be variable.

One of the important points that you should keep in mind when setting the schedule for studying is not to forget the time needed to rest. This rest time is short intervals between studying two lessons and longer intervals for general rest during the day.

The required hours for sleeping during the day and night are also specified in this table. This is what many exam candidates need to improve their performance.

How many types of planning tables do we have for studying?

As we said, planning is done to reach a specific goal, which is unique for each person. But the point is that a time must be set to achieve this goal. This time can be a day, a week or a month. In fact, it is you who determines how much time you need to achieve your goal.

To specify a time frame, you must be careful to consider realistic time. Setting an hour’s time for a task that takes half an hour is a mistake and does not teach you the skill of scheduling. So consider everything fairly and realistically, according to your abilities. The most common types of these tables are the following three:

Daily lesson planning table

As its name suggests, it is designed to achieve daily goals. Different daily tasks are divided according to different hours during the day and night. In this type of schedule, the student usually attends the classroom in the morning, and in the afternoon, after a one-hour break, he takes care of the homework needed for the next day.

If you can set aside a short time in this type of planning to review the lessons you learned that day at school, you are one step ahead of all your friends! This is one of the techniques used for better learning and memory enhancement. In fact, lesson review is much more important than reading the lesson! Because if there is no lesson review, the lessons will go in your short-term memory and after a short time you will forget everything you had read!

Weekly lesson planning table

To fill this table, just like the daily table, certain goals should be considered. Weekly planning gives you a general approach of what you need to do during the week; Also, tasks are determined for the two days at the end of the week when there is no news of school. So, by doing this, you make the most of the time you have

Monthly planning table

In the monthly planning, since the teaching of one chapter of each lesson is completed, an important class question or test is opened to the field. So the student should prepare himself for taking the course and taking the exam. These exams may not happen very precisely and within a month, but to some extent this rule is true for everyone. So, in general, monthly planning emphasizes lesson review and summarizing. In other words, whatever you have planted during the month, you will reap after a month.

What is the advantage of knowing how to prepare the daily and hourly lesson planning table?

Here, what we mean by writing a daily and hourly schedule is actually preparing a report at the end of the day of the amount of work you have done. At the end of the day, check your schedule to see how far you have come in your schedule. Where did you miss and what parts were difficult for you? Finally, you can make room for them in your schedule on the days you have planned for compensation and bug fixes.

In the following, we will explain to you step by step the steps that must be taken to prepare a complete table:

Basic steps to make lesson planning table:

Step 1: Determine which type of lesson planning chart you are going to use.

Our suggestion is to consider a combination of all three types; It means knowing what you are going to do today and these daily tasks can bring you one step closer to your desired goal during the week.

Step 2: Make a list of all the things you need to do.

These tasks include both curricular activities and all non-curricular activities that are going to occupy your time during the day. Be aware of extracurricular classes or other recreational activities.

Step 3: Prioritize this list.

The best way for students to prioritize is to arrange their work according to their school’s weekly schedule.

Step 4: Consider a time frame to do these things.

In fact, guess how much time you’re going to spend on which one.

Fifth step:

Now you have to design a table whose rows are the days of the week and whose columns are the hours of each day.

Step 6:

Fill in this table according to the to-do list and the hours you have set, and proceed step by step based on that every day

